Remember This On Dreary Days


Dreary days. Gray skies. They can make us feel gloomy. The death of loved ones or estrangement from family or friends weigh our hearts. On what can we focus? Malachi 4:2 tells us that “for you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in its wings.” What does that mean? Theologian Charles Spurgeon explains:  “Jesus, like the sun, is the center and soul of all things, the fullness of all good, the lamp that lights us, the fire that warms us, the magnet that guides and controls us; he is the source and fountain of all life, beauty, fruitfulness, and strength.”  Jesus is called the Sunof Righteousness because on the most dreary of days, when we are gloomy and despairing, we can call on Him to shine in our hearts and minds.

We praise You, SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and look to You to enlighten, quicken, grow, and ripen us to holy surrender and fruitfulness.  

