Jeremiah 33:3

Listen UP!


Do you remember the first time you saw someone talking out loud but there was no one around the person?  The first time I saw someone do that, I wondered if he was okay. Then I noticed he had cordless buds in his ears. What seemed strange then is now common. Technology has advanced to the point we can talk to anyone anywhere from the ocean to the air. The more time we spend talking with someone, the better we know their voice. Prayer is no different. Ephesians 6:18 tells us to pray at all times. In other words, we’re to keep our spiritual earbuds in and on. We’re to pick up and answer when God calls and not be like those whom He reprimanded in Jeremiah 33:3, “I called you, but you did not answer.” How open is your line of communication with God? Do you recognize His voice when He calls? If you want to know God’s voice better, check out, “Listen UP”: How to better discern God’s voice at
