Run, but Don’t Drop the Line

One recent Saturday, it was a beautiful day to be outside.  As family and friends gathered, we decided among other things, to fly kites.  Three year old Lucy held her kite string tightly.  Fascinated with the flying toy, she laughed in glee.  Then, her kite took an unexpected nose-dive to the ground.  Friends and family encouraged her, “You can do it, Lucy.  Try again.” 


Tightly gripping the kite’s handle, Lucy once again watched the giant paper triangle soar in the sky.  Thrilled, Lucy giggled.  However, with the shifting wind, the kite lost air and began to swerve toward the ground.  An experienced kite flyer knows to run or tighten the string at such times.  Lucy, however, didn’t have a clue what to do.  Standing there, she watched it swerve and sway, doomed to fall. Then, Lucy’s aunt called to her, “Run, Lucy!  Run!”  Blonde, tassel headed Lucy, upon hearing the advice, began running across the lawn.  However, as she ran, she dropped the kite handle.  The kite and string that once sailed through the cloud graced sky, plunged to the ground.  


Today, like Lucy, many believers are running hard.  They’ve seen the excitement of what God can do and have joined others in service to Him.  Some are running ministries to the poor. Others are running ministries to those suffering natural disasters.  Many are running the race God’s set before them as they serve their families, raise children, or provide care to the disabled or ill.  However, what happens when those who are running drop the line that connects them to the One they serve?


What line might Christians drop?  Our eyes on Jesus, our focus on Him. 


The writer to the Hebrews reminded believers of the importance of not only running the race set before us, but of also fixing our eyes on Jesus.  Consider his words: “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God,” (Hebrews 12:1-2).


In these verses we’re reminded of the importance of laying aside encumbrances and not being entangled in sin.  We’re encouraged to run the race before us.  However, we’re also reminded of the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, of keeping our focus on Him, and maintaining our connection with Him. 


What are you running around doing these days?  Are you like Lucy, running hard?  Are you holding tight to the line in the sky?  Or, head down, have you lost the “joy before you” because you’ve lost your focus on the One in the heavens? 


I have to run now, but I look forward to being back with you soon.  In the meantime, don’t drop the line.  Keep your eyes and focus on Jesus!


One thought on “Run, but Don’t Drop the Line

  1. Being in the Health field for OVER 15 years caring for people in their homes I was BUSY, to busy….. LOVED serving in this field and worked my way up so to speak to The Lead in Hospice and wow… what a blessing that was for 8 wonderful years. Now, I am caring for my Husband with many health issues. Puts a little different light on the picture. "But, I never dropped the line.." on my focus on Jesus and thank him so much for loving me despite my weaknesses. I am so thankful for my wonderful Husband and we served together for over 15 years in Ministry together. "Never dropped the line….." We both now have health issues and our Lord keeps us going from day to day. I used to be so involved in Church Ministries, but, now my main mission is to care and love my husband. He is the JOY of my life. I am so thankful The Lord loves us for who we are and not just what we can or cannot do anymore. We are now prayer warriors for so many things that need prayer. "I never dropped the line….."
    Some day when we meet Jesus face to face….. he hopefully will say… job well done thou good and faithful servant. I have learned NOT to focus on what I can’t do anymore, but, to focus on what I can do within my limitations. My life line is JESUS and I will love him ALL THE DAYS OF MY LIFE. Hang on with all we have and tie a knot at the end of that line and hang on….. Enjoy the ride and journey called LIFE. L ive I t F ully E veryday….. God Bless you Debbie for sharing your time with all of us. Sincerely, Lilly

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