Meet Debbie
Author. Speaker. Bible Teacher. Friend.
Hi! I’m glad you dropped by! I’m a Christian author and Bible teacher who is passionate about Christ and encouraging you in your spiritual walk. I’ve been married to my college sweetheart for 47 years. Keith’s the love of my life and best friend. Our son, Taylor and his wife, Ali; and our daughter, Lauren, and her husband, Chris, are Christ followers and parents to our precious four grandsons and one granddaughter. In addition, we are “parents” to Katie, our lab puppy, who is adorable when not stealing shoes. God called me to women’s ministry over 30 years ago. I’ve counseled, taught, led, trained, prayed, cried, and laughed with women as we’ve shared life with all its joys and struggles. My heart’s desire is to encourage you. Think of being here as your spiritual landing spot where you find encouragement, inspiration, and tools for living out your faith.
P.R.A.Y. with Passion Conference
Here is something I continue to be excited about. God woke me at 4 a.m. several years ago and stirred my heart to take the message of Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion, as a conference to women throughout the nation. It was as if He whispered, “My daughters throughout the nation are hurting and depressed. The tools I gave you in Pray With Purpose, Live with Passion work. Take the conference to them.” I didn’t hear a real voice. But, whatever word you use for how God stirs us to act – “nudges,” “moves,” “prompts” – that’s what He did. The blue states are where I’ve held the conference or it is scheduled. The heartbeat of P.R.A.Y. With Passion Across the Nation is to inspire you to live passionately for Christ and equip you to pray more purposefully.

Invite Debbie
Debbie Taylor Williams has equipped women throughout the nation to pray more purposefully and live more passionately for Christ. A dynamic keynote, conference, and retreat speaker, Debbie shares God Word with joy and “take home” applications. Debbie is available to speak for your group, city, or state event. Find out more by inquiring below.