Faith Nuggets
Thank You, Moms, for All You’re Doing

Thirty five years ago, I had a toddler on my hip, a wall phone wedged...
between my shoulder and chin while making a peanut butter sandwich and talking to my mother about the latest incident with our infant. She laughed at this multi-tasking mama and told me...Read more...
Start the New Year Strong with 2020 Vision

Friends, my monthly Faith Nugget is back! You signed up to get this monthly nugget of encouragement. I pray it blesses you. Let me know, and if it does, please share it.
“I can see better. Colors are brighter. Whites more white. I have 20/20 vision!” Can you relate to those comments? You can if you have a new eyeglass prescription or had cataract surgery. Seeing clearly is a welcomed blessing. It affects our outlook and quality of life. The same is true for spiritual vision. What is spiritual vision? How can we achieve 20/20 spiritual vision in the new year?
Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart
Did you know your heart has eyes, a metaphor for the eye of our mind, the faculty of knowing? It does, and in Ephesians 1:18-19, Paul prays that the eyes of our heart be enlightened. The implication is there is more to see than we realize. More to see of “the hope of Christ’s calling; more to see of the surpassing greatness of Christ’s power.” How did Paul know? He’d been “caught up to the third heaven” where he heard things inexpressible. (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) The man once blinded by Christ’s light now clearly sees Christ’s glory and power.
The Eyes of Our Heart and Mind Communicate
In case you’re not aware, our heart functions as more than a blood pumping muscle. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, along with others including the National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health write on, “Cellular Communications in the Heart,” “cell cross talk” and “intercellular communication.” If cells communicate, affecting our physical heart condition, why would we doubt communication with God affects our spiritual heart condition?
Verses throughout the Bible address the power of our heart to influence our thinking and therefore, lives. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it,” Proverbs 4:23. “As a man thinks in his heart so is he,” Proverbs 23:7. As we think in our heart? Our heart thinks? Apparently, yes. Psalm 119:11 speaks of the power of our heart on our behavior. “I have hidden Your Words in my heart so that I would not sin against Thee.” Yes, God created our heart as a spiritual receptor that communicates with our mind and influences our emotions and behavior. Did not Christ say that rivers of living water would flow from our innermost being, referring to the Holy Spirit’s influence on us? (John 7:38)
How Are the Eyes of Our Heart Enlightened?
People seek higher education at universities because learning is enlightening and empowering. Wise believers seek an even Higher education – the mind of Christ – so they’ll be enlightened and empowered to live for Christ. The more Bible knowledge we apply to our heart through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, the better our spiritual vision.
Join me! John 10 week Bible Study. Also available online.
Heavenly Father, thank You for enlightening the eyes of our heart as we read and apply Your truths to our hearts through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Candy Cane Salvation Poem

I rushed away from the young man.
I’d been watching him with the prior customer. Chipper. Smile on his Covid masked face. I could tell because it was well below his nose. Once again I wondered why people bothered to wear a mask if it rests below their nose. Company policy, I supposed. My turn. As I approached, I thought I heard him sniffle. I did hear him sniffle. There it was again. Certainly he was sick and before I could change my mind about the boxed gingerbread cookie tree I was buying for our grandkids, he reached for it. Too late. His Covid sick germs on my box. “These look great! I hadn’t seen them,” he happily chatted. “They look good!” Why didn’t I say, “You keep them. Merry Christmas.” Instead, I paid and returned his, “Have a nice day,” with “You have a nice day.”
Why Didn’t I?
The next morning, on my knees, in such a holy position, I sincerely prayed that God’s radiance would show through me to others. Pow. Zap. The Holy Spirit gently but powerfully brought to mind the prior afternoon. Less than 24 hours earlier I had the opportunity for which I was praying. However instead of being the light to that young man, I was consumed with myself and hoping I didn’t catch Covid or the flu from him. He was the cheerful one. He was the one smiling and sending me off with well wishes. “I’m sorry, Lord. So, so sorry.”
Take Hold of God’s Overs
“Why didn’t you hand him a candy cane and attached poem with my offer of salvation,” Jesus gently prodded me. I should have done that. I have that somewhere. “If not, write one,” He continued. So here is the poem the Lord gave me in case you find yourself to be as I was. A shopper who hopes you don’t catch a bug from the person handling your purchases. Maybe we can be the one with the smile. Perhaps what we give to them will bless them. We can pray that they read the words and if they do not know the real reason for the Christmas season they will open their heart and receive Jesus as Savior.
Free: Download and print the poem. Attach to a small candy cane. Instead of rushing through the Christmas season, rush to give the hope and light of Jesus to others by handing out candy canes with the poem.
Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us overs. Use this poem to bring people to salvation.
The Sermon On the Mount

Sometimes, we don't need commentary or someone's ideas or interpretation. We just need Jesus's words - plain and simple.
Equally important, we need to take them to heart. Yes, our nation and world have lots of problems. But what if we began solving them by individually obeying Christ, our LORD? I encourage you to slowly read Jesus's sermon as if you were the only one sitting on the mountain side listening to Him.Read more...
Are Christians to Fear or Fear Not?

So that it is well with us and our children.
- ‘Oh that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Me and keep all My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever! Deuteronomy 5:29.
To keep us from sinning.
- …the fear of Him may remain with you, so that you may not sin.” Exodus 20:20
For our good and survival.
- “So the LORD commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God for our good always and for our survival, as [it is] today. Deuteronomy 6:25
For wisdom.
- The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do [His commandments;] His praise endures forever. Psalm 111:10
For God’s help and protection.
- You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD; He is their help and their shield. Psalm 115:11
- He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them. Psalm 145:19
- The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, And rescues them. Psalm 34:7
In other words, having a healthy fear of God keeps us from destructive sin and in close reliance on the Holy Spirit so we discern His voice and are empowered to walk in His ways.
Anxious concern
- The LORD said to Joshua, “Do not fear them, for I have given them into your hands; not one of them shall stand before you.” Joshua 10:8
- The LORD is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me? Psalm 118:6
- But Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. Exodus 14:13
- ‘Do not fear them, for the LORD your God is the one fighting for you.’ Deuteronomy 3:22
- But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED, 1 Peter 3:14
- ‘Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10
Do we have the right kind of fear?
‘Oh that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Me and keep all My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever! Deuteronomy 5:29
Heavenly Father, help us have the right kind of fear – reverence for You and Your Word. Thank You that we are in Your loving care and do not have to fear man. We love you and worship You, our Lord.
Mob Prayer, Not Mob Hate

Horn blasting, I turned to look at the car that pulled beside me at the curbside pickup just in time to see a woman shooting a vulgar gesture at me and angrily yelling. Supposing her outburst was misdirected, I returned her gesture with the love sign. That didn’t go well or as I intended. She repeated the gesture which led me to realize she might not know that my hand gesture was the sign for love. Rolling down my window, I offered, “This is the sign for love,” hoping she would also see she had the wrong person. Seeming to be more inflamed, her outburst continued. “You filthy _ _ _ _. You _ _ _ _ ” I had never been called those words and wasn’t completely sure I knew what one of them meant. Bewildered and wondering if she had a gun in the car, I offered, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I have no idea who the lady was. All I know is that I didn’t see a child in her car for which I was thankful. Driving home, I was also hoping that perhaps she had gotten her anger out on me rather than whoever she would be around next. Not only was the encounter disturbing, it was enlightening as I thought about the anger swelling in our land, about how a peaceful gathering could result in people dying.
Wrong Perceptions Wrong Accusations
Between the cursing and hand gestures, the woman had yelled, “You cut off that old man!” So, she was angry not because of anything I had done to her. Her rage was over what she thought I had done to someone else. We could almost say she was “righteously” angry. Angry for a good cause. However, that’s not the case. She wrongly perceived a situation. Apparently, she had been in the car behind me and seen me turn into the pick up lane. What she hadn’t seen was the man motioning for me to turn ahead of him because he was waiting for a spot where someone was pulling out. The woman had absolutely no reason to be angry with me. She didn’t know me. She didn’t know the “old man.” She didn’t know what he had communicated to me. But she took it upon herself to assume she knew, berate me, curse at me, and shoot me her hand gestures. I’m glad she didn’t have anything else she could shoot.
Anger Rising
I mentioned that although I was disturbed by the situation, it was also enlightening. Why? I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The look on her face. The flow of angry words. Her physical gestures. It was like she was about to erupt. Well, I guess she did erupt. But where did her volcanic anger originate? Obviously, it was already in her, whether on the surface because of perhaps something recent that had happened. Or, was her anger deep seated? I’m not a psychologist so I won’t pretend to know. But I do know that there seems to be a lot of that kind of anger in our land right now. Anger that results in regret.
Angry Mob Mentality or Prayer Mentality
No doubt, you have been disturbed by the anger that is rising in our land. Anger rising in good people, godly people. Anger rising often for good reason. The Bible doesn’t say that all anger is wrong but that in our anger to not sin. (Ephesians 4:26) There is a righteous anger, evidenced by Jesus driving money changers out of the temple and calling them out. (Matthew 21:11-12)
Being a God-fearing person doesn’t mean not speaking truth. Jesus said there was no greater person that John the Baptist, and no doubt Jesus was aware than his cousin called out the Pharisees calling them a “brood of vipers.” (John 11:11, Matthew 3:4-7)
Being a Christian doesn’t mean that we are to stand aside when the father of lies speaks. Rather, Jesus models Ephesians 6:10-18 and how to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
Yes, we are to show the world we are Christians by our love. Yes, as citizens of heaven, our first allegiance is and must always be to Christ the King, our Lord. But, He has placed us here as ambassadors. We are to shine forth His light. Rivers of living water are to flow from our innermost being. We cannot fulfill our God given calling if the reservoirs of our heart are filled with hate rather than love.
It is a time for mob prayer, Christian. Not a time for mob hate. Not a time for horn blasting perceived accusations, but rather a time for us to address factual wrongs. Address them in prayer to our Heavenly Father. Address them in civil conversation with friends. Address them in positions of influence as God gives us opportunities. Commit to prayer rather than angry mob mentality.
Heavenly Father, it is a difficult time in our nation and world, as You well know far better than us for You are Lord of the war raging between principalities. We call on You to embrace, comfort, and protect Your godly ones, for You to give great wisdom and discernment for how to move forward. Stop the evil. Turn our broken, sin ravaged nation to You. Use us to lead the way to salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. Our eyes are on You. We pray not only for the sake of our nation, but for Your name and glory.
Are We Forgetting Something this Christmas?

It was a sweltering day, a hurried arrival at the hotel, and a quick change of clothes before our host driver would pick up my daughter and me to take us to Pam Kanaly’s Arise Conference. I would be presenting Kidz Time Devotional for moms to use to teach their children God’s Word. Lauren and I rushed as we changed out of our travel clothes. Slipping on a long tunic and my shoes, I announced, “Okay, let’s go!” Lauren looked at me and in an unusual tone of voice asked, “Are we forgetting something?” Seated, I looked up into her questioning eyes and replied no. “Mom,” she countered, glancing at my legs. “Your pants?” Now before you judge me too harshly, I have to say in my defense that the top I was wearing was almost down to my knees. Did I mention we were rushing to get out the door?
When It’s Not a Good Laugh
Lauren and I had a good laugh as I slid on my legging pants. I still chuckle when I think about it. But, there is something God tells us to put on that is no laughing matter and it’s important that we remember it this Christmas season. What is it and why is it important?
What Must We Remember?
During the Christmas season, it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of shopping, baking and decorating. Anxiety levels can rise with additions to our already full to-do list. That’s why it is good to remember that Jesus came to rescue us from the domain of darkness (Colossians 1:13) and that Satan fought Jesus every step of the way even before he was born. Christmas is about Christ’s birth, but it’s about more – the reason for His birth – to win the victory over sin, death, and Satan in order to secure our eternal salvation.
This Christmas season it’s important for us to remember that the enemy Christ was born to defeat still roams the earth. (1 Peter 5:8) We are in an ongoing battle against what Ephesians 6:12 describes as world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness.
Is the Battle Real?
The Bible records Satan tempting Jesus, influencing Peter’s thoughts and words, and entering into Judas, who betrayed Jesus. Yes, the battle between God and Satan is real. We see Satan’s hand in murders, mutilations, horrendous abuse, self-destructive cutting, addictions, lying, gross immorality, degrading behaviors. The good news is that Satan can’t enter into a believer. However, he can tempt and influence believers. That is why this Christmas season we must be diligent to put on the armor God has provided for us. Just as it’s our responsibility to put on our physical clothing and we wouldn’t dare walk about naked, it is our responsibility to put on God’s armor so we’re not naked targets for Satan.
Let’s Get Dressed (Ephesians 6:10-18)
First, we need to reach for the belt of truth. Why? It is central to everything. How can we stand against Satan’s schemes if we don’t know the truth from a lie? We can shop for truths to put on by reading our Bible every day.
Second, we need to cover our chest because our heart is vulnerable to sin. Mindfully contemplate the gift of Christ’s righteousness as you cover your heart with His breastplate.
If you’ve ever run out the door without shoes, you know the pain of sharp rocks and stickers. Hopping around on one foot is no fun plus it is debilitating. Take a moment every morning to strap on Christ’s gospel of peace. Walk in peace this Christmas, sure-footed against Satan’s schemes, sharing God’s grace with others.
Something we don’t wear but need to have in our hand like a fireman needs a fire extinguisher is the shield of faith so we can extinguish what the Bible describes as “flaming arrows of the evil one.” Yes, the evil one aims arrows lit from hell at us. Don’t believe it? Look at loved ones and friends burning in anger, lit with depression, fuming with bitterness. This is real, friends. The same Bible that says Jesus was born of a virgin to die for our sins is the same Bible that says we need to put on the full armor of God to resist the devil.
Two last items: the helmet of salvation. Every morning it is important to mindfully remember that Jesus was born and “saved us not on the basis of deeds we have done, but according to His mercy, …, “ Titus 3:5. This can’t help but put a smile on our faces. Lastly, take the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, in your hand. A Bible wielding Spirit-filled Christian is a tougher target than a Christian with no sword. Plus, you will be a blessing to others this Christmas instead of a stressed-out Christian.
Have We Forgotten Something this Christmas
It’s easy in the midst of the Christmas season to forget that a spiritual battle ensues. Let’s cautiously, wisely armor up every day. It’s no laughing matter.
Heavenly Father, thank You for showing us what You see in the spiritual realm that our eyes can’t see. Thank You for telling us what we need to do to stand against evil and for providing us with Your spiritual armor. Please help us get in the habit of daily “armoring up” so we represent You well not only this Christmas season but every day.
Are Christians to Fear or Fear Not?

So that it is well with us and our children.
- ‘Oh that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Meand keep all My commandmentsalways, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever! Deuteronomy 5:29.
To keep us from sinning.
- …the fear of Him may remain with you, so that you may not sin.” Exodus 20:20
For our good and survival.
- “So the LORD commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God for our good always and for our survival, as [it is] today. Deuteronomy 6:25
For wisdom.
- The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do [His commandments;] His praise endures forever. Psalm 111:10
For God’s help and protection.
- You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD; He is their help and their shield. Psalm 115:11
- He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He will also hear their cry and will save them. Psalm 145:19
- The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, And rescues them. Psalm 34:7
A healthy fear of God keeps us from destructive sin and in close reliance on the Holy Spirit so we discern His voice and are empowered to walk in His ways.
WE ARE NOT TO FEAR MAN (Anxious concern)
- The LORD said to Joshua, “Do not fear them, for I have given them into your hands; not one of them shall stand before you.” Joshua 10:8
- The LORD is for me; I will not fear; What can man do to me? Psalm 118:6
- But Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. Exodus 14:13
- ‘Do not fear them, for the LORD your God is the one fighting for you.’ Deuteronomy 3:22
- But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED, 1 Peter 3:14
- ‘Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Revelation 2:10
- going on in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it (the church) continued to increase. Acts 9:31
- Come and hear, all who fear God, And I will tell of what He has done for my soul. Psalm 66:16
Having a healthy fear of God that results in our walking by His Spirit provideS opportunities for us to tell others about Jesus. We will see people come to salvation and the church increase.
Do we have the right kind of fear?
‘Oh that they had such a heart in them, that they would fear Meand keep all My commandments always, that it may be well with them and with their sons forever! Deuteronomy 5:29
Start the New Year Strong with 2020 Vision

“I can see better. Colors are brighter. Whites more white. I have 20/20 vision!” Can you relate to those comments? You can if you have a new eyeglass prescription or had cataract surgery. Seeing clearly is a welcomed blessing. It affects our outlook and quality of life. The same is true for spiritual vision. What is spiritual vision? How can we achieve 20/20 spiritual vision in 2020?
Enlighten the Eyes of Your Heart
Did you know your heart has eyes, a metaphor for the eye of our mind, the faculty of knowing? It does, and in Ephesians 1:18-19, Paul prays that the eyes of our heart be enlightened. The implication is there is more to see than we realize. More to see of “the hope of Christ’s calling; more to see of the surpassing greatness of Christ’s power.” How did Paul know? He’d been “caught up to the third heaven” where he heard things inexpressible. (2 Corinthians 12:2-4) The man once blinded by Christ’s light now clearly sees Christ’s glory and power.
The Eyes of Our Heart and Mind Communicate
In case you’re not aware, our heart functions as more than a blood pumping muscle. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, along with others including the National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health write on, “Cellular Communications in the Heart,” “cell cross talk” and “intercellular communication.” If cells communicate, affecting our physical heart condition, why would we doubt communication with God affects our spiritual heart condition?
Verses throughout the Bible address the power of our heart to influence our thinking and therefore, lives. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it,” Proverbs 4:23. “As a man thinks in his heart so is he,” Proverbs 23:7. As we think in our heart? Our heart thinks? Apparently, yes. Psalm 119:11 speaks of the power of our heart on our behavior. “I have hidden Your Words in my heart so that I would not sin against Thee.” Yes, God created our heart as a spiritual receptor that communicates with our mind and influences our emotions and behavior. Did not Christ say that rivers of living water would flow from our innermost being, referring to the Holy Spirit’s influence on us? (John 7:38)
How Are the Eyes of Our Heart Enlightened?
People seek higher education at universities because learning is enlightening and empowering. Wise believers seek an even Higher education – the mind of Christ – so they’ll be enlightened and empowered to live for Christ. The more Bible knowledge we apply to our heart through prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit, the better our spiritual vision. Join me January 8 at “Starting Strong with 2020 Vision.” Get a Bible study and walk with increased spiritual vision and power in 2020. Information below.
Heavenly Father, thank You for enlightening the eyes of our heart as we read and apply Your truths to our hearts.
Women’s Gathering with Debbie Taylor Williams
What: Starting Strong with 2020 Vision
When: Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 11 -12 noon
Where: Trinity Baptist Church Chapel, Kerrville, TX
Register: Call Gina at 830.895.0100 or register online at Childcare for infants to kindergarten must be registered.
Email [email protected] for more information.
$7.50 includes Prayers of My Heart journal and refreshments. Scholarships available.
Are We Forgetting Something this Christmas?

It was a sweltering day, a hurried arrival at the hotel, and a quick change of clothes before our host driver would pick up my daughter and me to take us to Pam Kanaly’s Arise Conference. I would be presenting Kidz Time Devotional for moms to use to teach their children God’s Word. Lauren and I rushed as we changed out of our travel clothes. Slipping on a long tunic and my shoes, I announced, “Okay, let’s go!” Lauren looked at me and in an unusual tone of voice asked, “Are we forgetting something?” Seated, I looked up into her questioning eyes and replied no. “Mom,” she countered, glancing at my legs. “Your pants?” Now before you judge me too harshly, I have to say in my defense that the top I was wearing was almost down to my knees. Did I mention we were rushing to get out the door?
When It’s Not a Good Laugh
Lauren and I had a good laugh as I slid on my legging pants. I still chuckle when I think about it. But, there is something God tells us to put on that is no laughing matter and it’s important that we remember it this Christmas season. What is it and why is it important?
What Must We Remember?
During the Christmas season it’s easy to get caught up in the rush of shopping, baking, and decorating. Anxiety levels can rise with additions to our already full to do list. That’s why it is good to remember that Jesus came to rescue us from the domain of darkness (Colossians 1:13) and that Satan fought Jesus every step of the way even before he was born. Christmas is about Christ’s birth, but it’s about more – the reason for His birth – to win the victory over sin, death, and Satan in order to secure our eternal salvation.
This Christmas season it’s important for us to remember that the enemy Christ was born to defeat still roams the earth. (1 Peter 5:8) We are in an ongoing battle against what Ephesians 6:12 describes as world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness.
Is the Battle Real?
The Bible records Satan tempting Jesus, influencing Peter’s thoughts and words, and entering into Judas, who betrayed Jesus. Yes, the battle between God and Satan is real. We see Satan’s hand in murders, mutilations, horrendous abuse, self-destructive cutting, addictions, lying, gross immorality, degrading behaviors. The good news is that Satan can’t enter into a believer. However, he can tempt and influence believers. That is why this Christmas season we must be diligent to put on the armor God has provided for us. Just as it’s our responsibility to put on our physical clothing and we wouldn’t dare walk about naked, it is our responsibility to put on God’s armor so we’re not naked targets for Satan.
Let’s Get Dressed (Ephesians 6:10-18)
First, we need to reach for the belt of truth. Why? It is central to everything. How can we stand against Satan’s schemes if we don’t know the truth from a lie? We can shop for truths to put on by reading our Bible every day.
Second, we need to cover our chest because our heart is vulnerable to sin. Mindfully contemplate the gift of Christ’s righteousness as you cover your heart with His breastplate.
If you’ve ever run out the door without shoes, you know the pain of sharp rocks and stickers. Hopping around on one foot is no fun plus it is debilitating. Take a moment every morning to strap on Christ’s gospel of peace. Walk in peace this Christmas, sure footed against Satan’s schemes, sharing God’s grace with others.
Something we don’t wear, but need to have in our hand, like a fireman needs a fire extinguisher, is the shield of faith so we can extinguish what the Bible describes as “flaming arrows of the evil one.” Yes, the evil one aims arrows lit from hell at us. Don’t believe it? Look at loved ones and friends burning in anger, lit with depression, fuming with bitterness. This is real, friends. The same Bible that says Jesus was born of a virgin to die for our sins is the same Bible that says we need to put on the full armor of God to resist the devil.
Two last items: the helmet of salvation. Every morning it is important to mindfully remember that Jesus was born and “saved us not on the basis of deeds we have done, but according to His mercy, …, “ Titus 3:5. This can’t help but put a smile on our face. Lastly, take the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, in your hand. A Bible wielding Spirit filled Christian is a tougher target than a Christian with no sword. Plus, you will be a blessing to others this Christmas instead of a stressed out Christian.
Have We Forgotten Something this Christmas
It’s easy in the midst of the Christmas season to forget that a spiritual battle ensues. Let’s cautiously, wisely armor up every day. It’s no laughing matter.
Heavenly Father, thank You for showing us what You see in the spiritual realm that our eyes can’t see. Thank You for telling us what we need to do to stand against evil and for providing us with Your spiritual armor. Please help us get in the habit of daily “armoring up” so we represent You well not only this Christmas season, but every day.
What: Starting Strong with 2020 Vision Women’s Gathering
When: Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 11 -12 noon
Where: Trinity Baptist Church Chapel
Register: Call Trinity Baptist Church at 830.895.0100 or register online at Childcare for infants to kindergarten must be registered.
Email [email protected] for more information.
$7.50 includes Prayers of My Heart journal and refreshments. Scholarships available.