“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 

Matthew 11:29

Do you ever feel kind of cocky about yourself? Do you tend to look down on others? Are you critical of those around you? Humility is a great trait and one we see evidenced in our Lord.  Jesus was humble. It wasn’t a false humility. He explained that His humility flowed from His heart. In other words, from the essence of who He was. That’s what we need. Not an attempt at humility, but rather to truly regard others as more important than ourselves. Jesus said we are to learn from Him. If we’re not humble, isn’t it time we begin learning from Him?

Lord, You who have every right to be prideful and look down on us, instead, chose to serve us and even humble yourself to the point of death. We praise You, most HUMBLE, gracious Lord Jesus!

*Debbie Taylor Williams.                                                                                                                        Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams.  Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, Thank you.
