“Take up the full armor of God… Taking up the shield …. Take the Helmet ….  and the sword

Ephesians 6:10-18

Why are Christians called “prayer warriors?”

God has given us battle gear: Armor, Shield, Helmet, and Sword. 

God has named the enemy: devil, rulers, powers, world forces of darkness, spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

God has handed us our assignment: “With all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit.” 


FOLLOWING are 2 OPPORTUNITIES to ENGAGE in 2015. I pray you’ll do BOTH.

1) USE a PRAYER JOURNAL. Why? When we look at the names of family, friends, church, ministry, USA, across the top of the Weekly Page, it directs our minds to PRAY specifically. We ENGAGE in battle.

2) FEB 21, 9 a.m. -12 noon CST – ATTEND in PERSON, LIVE STREAM, or set up a SIMULCAST of the P.R.A.Y. with Passion ACROSS the NATION CONFERENCE I’m teaching at Trinity Baptist Church, Kerrville, TX.

YOU and/or your CHURCH can watch via a laptop. Watch at home on your computer OR open the doors at your church, home, a military base, or college chapel and watch. There is NO COST. We’re praying for Christians in EVERY STATE in the US and for countries throughout the world to be a PART of this CONFERENCE. If you’ve been on a mission trip, will you let those to whom you ministered know of this opportunity?  To set up a SIMULCAST group viewing, email Larry Danks, [email protected] OR Greg Peschel, [email protected]. Call TBC at 830-895-0100 to register to attend or for more information. 

Also, SEND ME A NOTE and let me know you’ll ENGAGE with me in battle by attending the P.R.A.Y. with Passion RALLY either in person or via live streaming or simulcast AND the STATE or COUNTRY in which you LIVE. 

Heavenly Father, please rouse each of us to battle. Open our eyes to see the enemy and warfare as You do. Engage in Prayer. Engage P.R.A.Y. with Passion Conference.
