Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I do my share on behalf of His body, which is the church

Colossians 1:24 

Who are you? If someone asked that question, we might reply, “A wife, mom, a CEO, a son, a mechanic.” However, one of the most important ways in which God looks at us is as HIS BODY on earth. We are a body of believers. We are Christ’s body on earth. My role, your role in Christ’s body is important. Ask someone whose knee or back is hurt and they will tell you how that one part of their body affects their whole body. If I’m a sin sick Christian, it’s going to affect you. If you’re a sin sick Christian, it’s going to affect me. We are a part of each other in Christ. And our individual and corporate health is important. Say it loud. Say it clear. Let it take root in your mind and then act accordingly, “I am a part of Christ’s body on earth.”

Heavenly Father, Your Son has embraced me. You have adopted me. We are more than family. We are united in one body in Christ. Help me not only sigh relief that I am “in Christ.” Help me also honor Christ in my body and represent Him well as I serve in and among the body of Christ.   

 from If God is In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case? 

