“Masters, grant to your slaves justice and fairness, knowing that you too have a Master in heaven.

Colossians 3:24

Christians have a Master. A heavenly one; which is a blessing. Why? Because “master” means owner. At the time the Bible was written, slavery was common; just as it is today. “Today?” you ask. Yes. Sadly, there are 30 million slaves in the world; 60,000 in the United States.* The word master means owner; one who has control of a person. Unfortunately, many slaves have horrible masters. But not us. Our owner is good and loving and kind. What He commands is in our best interest and for kingdom purposes. Can you imagine what it would be like if we only did, said, and thought what our Master dictated? What attitude would change? What relationship would change? What thoughts would change? What words would change? I’m glad to be reminded that I have a Master in heaven. Are you?

Heavenly Father, You are a good and gracious Master. Help me be a good servant; thinking, saying, and doing only what You dictate and what brings You honor.   

Thank you for your patience while 365 Days of Praise was on hold last week. 

Adapted from If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2


