“Then He (Jesus) said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the LORD OF THE HARVEST to send out workers into His harvest.”

Matthew 9:37-38

Does the word “work” scare you in relation to serving the Lord? For instance, when a minister announces the need more workers for Vacation Bible School or for volunteers to go on a mission trip, do you sink in your pew and hope your eyes don’t meet? How much of a “worker” for the LORD OF THE HARVEST are you? Jesus wasn’t trying to get His disciples to do busy work. Rather, Jesus looked at the fields of people who were stressed and discouraged, and He had compassion for them. He also had good news. “My Heavenly Father loves you. Your sins can be forgiven.” Jesus’s message of good news is as relevant today as it was when He walked the earth. And there is still a need for workers to share the good news with fields of people. Will you be one of them?  Here’s how:

  1. Pray and ask God to use you.
  2. Be open and sensitive to the Spirit when He prompts you to speak and share Christ. Here are verses you can use to show someone how they can be saved.
  3. Share the 365 Days of Praise post every day. How? Forward this email to friends or family. Click the Facebook or Twitter symbols below and share on your social media page. You’ll be putting the good news before fields of people.

LORD OF THE HARVEST, thank You for coming to earth and telling us the good news of salvation. Help us be faithful to tell others so they can be saved. 
