Praise to the God of SELF CONTROL

“the fruit of the Spirit is …SELF CONTROL;” 

Galatians 5:22-23

SELF CONTROL is not a highly discussed in relation to God. Yet, think about it. If God didn’t have self-control, He probably would have wiped us off the face of the earth. If SELF-CONTROL was not one of Christ’s attributes, He would have called down legions of angels to secure His freedom in the Garden of Gethsemane. He would have turned the lash on the one lashing Him. But our God is a God of self control. And because He has invested His life in us in through the Holy Spirit, He has given us the opportunity to bear the fruit of His Spirit – self control. What a gift! 

Lord, Thank You for not only being a God of SELF CONTROL, but for also giving us Your Spirit by which we can bear self control. You are an awesome God! 

 Prayers of My Heart  journal – Record each attribute in the Month-at-Glance section.

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