From the Cave to Light

Have you ever explored a black cave with only a dim flashlight? Some time ago, I had the opportunity to walk two miles in a black cave. Did I say “opportunity?” It was only because I knew my time in the cave was temporary. Had I thought I couldn’t get out, I would have gone mad. Is that what hell is? Trapped in what Colossians 1:13 describes as a “domain of darkness?” Jesus Christ is light. The beauty of the heavens reflect His nature. Close your eyes and picture an eternity of despairing people screaming for release from Satan’s dark domain. Now open them and praise Jesus, whom Malachi refers to as “the MESSENGER OF THE COVENANT,” Malachi 4:1. “’And the Lord, whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple; and the MESSENGER OF THE COVENANT, in whom you delight, behold, He is coming,’ says the Lord of hosts.” Having been in the cave makes me mindful of how important it is to live a celebratory life. Why? There are people who don’t know Jesus, the Messenger of the Covenant, and that He can save them from the black torment of eternal damnation. We have the opportunity to be Christ’s Light in our world. Are we a bright or dim flashlight pointing others to Him?
Lord Jesus Christ, MESSENGER OF THE COVENANT, thank You for releasing us from the domain of darkness! Help us be mindfully joyful over our freedom and take every opportunity to shine brightly and point others to You.