“I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument.”
Have you ever had the “wool pulled over your eyes;” in other words, someone lie to you? Perhaps they convinced you that something was true when it wasn’t. Or, that something was false when it was true. In the early church, even as today, there are those who try to dissuade us from believing in and following Christ Jesus. But, I am not deluded in Christ. Rather, my whole realm of understanding opens like a flower the more I plunge into the wealth of knowledge that comes through reading His Word. No, in Christ, I am not deluded. I am freed to think and meditate on the highest of concepts and realities that extend beyond what my eyes can see.
Heavenly Father, thank You that in Christ a wealth of knowledge and truth opens before me. I can come into Your presence through the Bible and sit and absorb knowledge that extends beyond the world’s reasonings. I can not only know truth, but experience truth in my inner man.
From If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?