ENGAGE: Gather for Prayer

“For where two or three have gathered together in My nameI am there in their midst.”

Matthew 18:20 NAS 

“I don’t like to pray out loud.” Several people have told me that through the years in response to my invitation to join me for prayer. But did you know that it is Biblical for Christians to gather to pray; that it invites Christ’s presence? Just knowing that makes me want to stop typing and schedule two or three of us to pray every hour every day for the rest of my life. Taking the time to stop what we’re doing for the sole purpose of going to the throne room is POWERFUL! “Do I have to pray out loud?” you may ask. No – I don’t see anything in the Scripture where it says they held hands and took turns praying out loud. What it does say is that Jesus taught the disciples to pray, “Our Father.” If His suggestion was that we always ONLY prayed alone, wouldn’t His model prayer have been, “My Father”? If alone time prayer was ALL that was necessary, why did Jesus take “along Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while HE was praying…” (Luke 9:28)  If alone time prayer was ALL that was necessary why did Jesus take to Gethsemane “with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee,” while He prayed? (Matthew 26:37) If there were not power in collectively gathering for prayer, then why does Scripture record that in response to Jesus’ final words beofre His ascension, “they returned to Jerusalem…. And went up to the upper roomThese all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer”? (Acts 1:12-14) Are you missing out on Christ’s presence “in your midst” at a prayer gathering – all because your mind goes to how “good” you think you pray? The next time someone invites you to join them for prayer, switch your thoughts from yourself to the glorious reality of Christ’s words, “For where two or three have gathered together in My nameI am there in their midst.” 

Prayers of My Heart JOURNALING TIP: WEEK at a GLANCE: USE “SOUND BITES.” In the squares under the columns of those for whom you’re praying, record only the key words of your prayer. For instance, my heart’s prayer after worshipping God as HOLY may be, “Lord, increase Keith’s and my hearts hunger for holiness.” What I record across the squares under our names is the shortened “sound bite”: Hunger for holiness.” It’s exciting to pray MORE PURPOSEFULLY as I fix my eyes in worship on who God is, and know HIS GOAL is to transform us into HIS image.

If you haven’t attended a P.R.A.Y. with Passion Conf, based on my book, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion, come! FEB 21, 9-12 in my home church, Kerrville, TX. Email:[email protected] to register. Email Greg Peschel ([email protected]) to set up a live stream SIMULCAST in your church.

ENGAGE in PRAYER in 2015  

1) USE a PRAYER JOURNAL. WHY? Even if you don’t use it regularly, occassional use willl prompt in your mind God’s goodness, the prayers He has answered, and your thankfulness to Him.

2) Be a part of a P.R.A.Y. with Passion ACROSS the NATION CONFERENCE. WHY? FEB 21 Kerrville, TX or APRIL 25 Watson, LA.   Invite Debbie to bring the P.R.A.Y. with Passion Conf to your church. Assembling together puts us in a position to hear God and be prompted by His Spirit so we mature and pray more purposefully and live more passionately for Christ. 

Heavenly Father, rouse each of us to engage in prayer for our families, churches, neighbors, and nation with new resolve and fervor. Open our eyes to see the enemy so we take prayer seriously.

Engage in Prayer. Engage P.R.A.Y. with Passion Conference
