

Kidz Time 1 – P


Hi Moms,

I’m super excited you’re here – feeding your child’s soul with Biblical truth they will carry through life!

Here is “P” from Kidz Time 1.

Have fun!  Love, Debbie

Kidz Time 1 Book

“P” Video  & Printable Activity                       

Slide Show          

Memory  Verse  Cards    

Can God be Satisfied?


Are you familiar with the Rolling Stones’ 1965 song “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”? Keith Richards and Mick Jagger’s lyrics, “can’t get no satisfaction” resonated with people in the 1960s and also today. But do you know who has found satisfaction? God.

First John 2:2 says, “He (Jesus) Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.” The word propitiation means satisfaction. This verse tells us that Jesus satisfied God’s righteous requirement that sin be dealt with rather than ignored. How did Jesus do that? He substituted His life for ours. How incredible!

If we haven’t thanked Jesus lately for satisfying God’s righteous requirements of the law, now would be a good time to do that. 

Jesus, thank You for sacrificing Your life and being the PROPITIATION FOR OUR SINS. We love you so! 

Stay connected with Debbie beyond the blog! Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.


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Why Jesus Instead of a Psychic Reader


Have you ever called a psychic hotline or used Tarot cards because you wanted to know what was in your future? If so, you’ll be encouraged to know there’s a better option.

Ezekiel 13:7 tells us not to seek knowledge by means of divination (Tarot cards, psychic hotline, etc.), but rather to look to “…Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word in the sight of God and all the people,” Luke 24:19. Yes, God tells us to look to Jesus and the Bible for wisdom, insight, and comfort and to trust Him for today and tomorrow’s needs.

When we want to know the future and want to know what to do, we are to read the Bible and pray. Jesus is the One we are to seek. He is the One we can trust.

Jesus, You are God’s PROPHET who speaks the truth. May we seek You and find rest for our souls knowing You are present with us today and tomorrow. 

Have you ever struggled to find the right words to pray? In those times, it can help to pray God’s Word. Click HERE to discover prayers for discernment, discouragement, knowing God’s way, and forgiveness. 


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When You’re Tired of Failed Promises


Have you ever promised something and then didn’t fulfill your promise? If you have, you know what a horrible feeling it is. Maybe we promised, “I’ll never say that again.” Then we did. Or, maybe we said to God, “I promise if you get me out of this mess, I’ll do better next time.” Then we failed to do as we said. Or maybe we don’t trust people because they’ve made promises to us they didn’t keep.

When it comes to God, Romans 4:21 assures us “that what God promised, He was able also to perform.” In other words, we may be well-intentioned, but fail. Not God, though. What He promises, He will do. What a blessing to know that God keeps His promises.

In the midst of failed promises and lies, it’s a great time for us to read God’s promises in the Bible. Our hearts can be at peace as we read them because we know they are true.

Heavenly Father, in a world that is filled with lies and failed promises, we praise You for being a faithful PROMISE KEEPER.  

Taking time to study God’s Word is essential to being familiar with God’s promises. We offer several free online Bible studies that can help you. Click HERE to check them out. 


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Death Leads to Life


Can you imagine the conversations that took place after God raised Jesus from the dead? Some didn’t believe it at first. Others couldn’t help but acknowledge His resurrection because they saw Jesus, touched Him, and observed Him eating fish. He wasn’t a ghost. He wasn’t a figment of their imagination. Five hundred people witnessed seeing the resurrected Prince of Life. In other words, Jesus is life, and He walked right back into their lives.

Acts 3:15 says, “…[you] put to death the Prince of Life, the one whom God raised from the dead, a fact to which we are witnesses.”

Is the Prince of Life walking in our life? Are we aware of His presence? Are we experiencing His peace within ourselves? Are we mindful that just as He is alive and not in the grave, our loved ones who have died are not dead but alive, and that we won’t be dead even though our body is in the grave? The Prince of Life is with us when we walk the corridor of death. We and our loved ones will never be alone. We need not fear.

Lord Jesus, we praise You, the ever-present PRINCE OF LIFE

Our key verse today is Acts 3:15. To watch all of Debbie’s teaching on Acts 3, click HERE or listen to it HERE.


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Double Jeopardy


Are you familiar with the legal term “double jeopardy”? It means that a person can’t be tried for the same crime two times. In God’s system, it means the same, which is an incredible blessing. Jesus was tried for all the sins we’ve committed and will commit. God has promised to not try us for our sins that Jesus has already been convicted of and paid the debt. And as if that weren’t enough of a huge eternal blessing, there’s more. Hebrews 2:17 explains that after Jesus died for our sins, He entered into God’s presence and became our High Priest.

“Therefore, He (Jesus) had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” Hebrews 2:17

The resurrected Christ is seated at God’s right hand. What is He doing? Praying for us. Go to Him in gratitude. Live for Him in joy.

Lord Jesus, we praise You, our Lord, and high PRIEST! Thank You for taking our place at the judgment seat and dying for our sins.  How can we serve You?

Jesus demonstrated the greatest love when He died on the cross for our sins. To learn more about His ultimate sacrifice, watch Debbie’s teaching on John 19 HERE or listen to it HERE.


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If You’re Drowning In….


Have you ever thought of God as being a Life Preserver? Psalm 116:6 describes Him that way. “The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.” The word “preserve” in this verse means to save a life. No doubt Jesus fits the description. He rescues those who are drowning in sin when they call on Him for salvation.

We understand the need for someone to save us from raging waters. Do we understand the need for Jesus to save us from raging sin? We understand the need to be saved from physical death. Do we understand the need to be saved from spiritual death?

Jesus, You are the only One who can rescue us from sin and PRESERVE our soul for eternity. We call to You. 

Do you have a friend or family member you would like to introduce to Jesus? Share this link with them: “Meet Jesus…Experience His Grace.”


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When You Feel Like Your Life is Spinning Out of Control


It’s messy. It’s hands-on. It’s a commitment. It’s time-consuming. It’s up close and personal. What is messy, hands-on, time-consuming, and up close and personal? Being a potter, which is how God is described in Isaiah 64:8. “O Lord, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You are our Potter, And all of us are the work of Your hand.”

If you feel like your life is spinning out of control, remember that you’re in the divine Potter’s hands. He’s not going to let you fly off His Potter’s wheel. Rather, just the opposite. He’s molding and shaping you into a vessel of honor and glory. Rest in the assurance of His divine hands. 

Heavenly Father, we praise You that You are our POTTER. Thank You for shaping us into a divine vessel.

Would you like an organized way to record what God is speaking to you? Grab a copy of the Prayers of My Heart prayer journal to write down what God places on your heart.


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Is Holy Fear Good or Bad?


Does a holy fear ever rise in you? What kind of holy fear? The good kind. A reverential fear. An overwhelming acknowledgment of God’s greatness and our smallness. Utter awe at the thought of standing in God’s majestic presence. Tear-filled sorrow for those who don’t know Jesus. Trembling for those who defy God and set themselves against Him.

One day every person will give an account of their lives to God, who Genesis 14:19 describes as “…God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth.” Christ tells us that those who deny God will spend eternity apart from Him.

If we’re in a relationship of saving faith with Jesus, what are we doing to make sure others know Him? May holy fear cause us to think more of others than ourselves, to speak to the unsaved about Jesus, and pray for them.

Heavenly Father, POSSESSOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, how comforting to know that because of Jesus we will live eternally in Your presence. Stir our hearts to share the good news with those walking in darkness.

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When You Can’t Seem to Please Anyone


Do you ever feel like you can’t please anyone? Or at least, you can’t please someone you want to please? Maybe it’s a co-worker, spouse, parent, child, or friend. You do your best, but it seems they’re never satisfied.

Trying to please people who are never pleased can cause us to feel defeated and drained. Unless we keep in mind that we can’t please everybody, and we focus on pleasing the most important person – our Heavenly Father. Jesus models doing that even when others were disappointed in Him. For instance, the disciples were no doubt shockingly disappointed when Jesus didn’t resist being crucified. Martha and Mary were disappointed when Jesus delayed coming to their sick brother’s side. John 8:29 explains Jesus’s position. “He (the Father) who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to Him.” No, we can’t always please others. But we can follow Christ’s example of pleasing our Heavenly Father.

Following are some of the ways Jesus pleased the Father. Which are you already doing? Which do you want to begin doing?

  • Jesus used Scripture to stand against Satan’s temptations. We can do that.
  • Jesus shared His Father’s kingdom principles, how to be forgiven, and how to be saved. We can do that.
  • Jesus was sensitive to others and reached out to them. We can do that.
  • Jesus looked up in prayer and thanked His Father for hearing Him. We can do that.
  • Jesus prayed before He made decisions. We can do that.
  • Jesus followed His Father’s leading rather than doing things on His own initiative. We can do that.

Heavenly Father, as Jesus was PLEASING to You, help us please You. 

Looking for some more resources to deepen your relationship with God? Click HERE to check out the books and Bible studies written by Debbie. You can also access free online Bible studies by clicking HERE


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