Let the Blessing Sink In

Jesus asked His disciples who others said He was. Then He asked the more important question, “But who do you say that I am?”

Matthew 16:16 records Simon Peter’s answer, “‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’”

Jesus’ question to the disciples is a question every one of us must answer. Have we replied to Jesus as Simon Peter did?

Jesus affirmed Peter, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.” (v17).

Did we catch that? Jesus did more than affirm that Peter answered correctly. Jesus said Peter was blessed. Not that he would one day be blessed, but that he was already blessed.

Peter’s understanding that Jesus was more than a good man, He was God’s Son who had come to bring salvation, brought the blessing of his sins being forgiven.

So too, you are blessed if you have confessed Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. You are blessed because your sins are forgiven. You are blessed with the Holy Spirit. You are blessed with new life in Christ. In case you haven’t thought about it lately, let your blessings sink in.

Jesus, You are the CHRIST, the son of the living God. I praise and worship You. Thank You for blessing me for eternity.


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