“…our beloved brother and faithful servant and fellow bond-servant in the Lord, will bring you information. …and also with him Onesimus, our faithful and beloved brother, who is one of your number. They will inform you of the situation here.“
I grew up in a loving family. My mama had three sisters and one brother and their families lived only a few blocks from our house. We were together for every birthday, holiday, and in between for watermelon on hot summer days or hot chocolate on cold ones. “Yoohoo!” alerted us that someone was walking in the unlocked front or back door. “Come on in,” was followed with hugs and greetings. As we continue to discuss who we are in Christ, it’s important that we remember that the Bible identifies believers as family. God, our Heavenly Father, has adopted us. Christ is our brother. You are my sister and brother. What does this mean? A world of things. We are to treat each other kindly. We can be open with one another. We are to take interest in each other’s lives. We are to help each other. You may not have had a good family experience growing up or even now. But, in Christ, you have the opportunity to learn what it means to be family; to be brothers and sisters in Christ.
Heavenly Father, thank You for adopting me into Your heavenly family. Thank You for my brothers and sisters in Christ. Help me treat them with love, kindness, and respect. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Adapted from If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?