Bearing Fruit



bearing fruit in every good work

Colossians 1:10

Have you ever thought of yourself as a “spiritual fruit bearer”? If not, isn’t it exciting to realize that God wants us to bear fruit for eternity? What does it mean to “bear fruit in every good work”? To help us grasp the concept, it helps to consider what it is like to bear children. Recently, as my husband and I visited on the back porch, he asked, “Was it the most incredible thing in the world to have a human being grow inside you?” “Yes!” was my response, as I thought back to the first time I felt Taylor move within me. More incredible, however, is to feel Christ move within!

How is it possible to feel Christ within us? Christ’s seed, through the Word of God and Holy Spirit, has been implanted in our souls. The more we study the Bible and yield ourselves to God, the more aware we are of Christ’s life within us. The outcome of living by Christ’s promptings is spiritual fruit.
Heavenly Father, what a blessing to have Christ’s Holy Spirit within me. Help me treat this privilege with honor and respect by continually growing in the knowledge of Your Word and responding to Christ’s promptings. 

from If God is In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case? 

