If God is In Control

I WORK As for the LORD, Principle 5


“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men;

Colossians 3:23

In my book, If God is In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?, I include “15 Principles of Work” that are related to this and the next few verses in Colossians. Principle 5 is: I Am to Work As If I Am Working for the Lord. When Paul wrote Colossians, slavery was an established institution in the Roman Empire. According to author Warren Wiersbe, there were 60 million slaves. Many were well-educated people with great responsibility, who served in the homes of the wealthy and helped to educate and discipline children. Christianity introduced a new perspective on slaves and masters. Masters were no longer to treat slaves as objects, but rather as fellow heirs of salvation. Slaves were not to halfheartedly serve their masters, but were to work as if they were serving the Lord. Paul points out that everyone has someone “over” them. In regard to our relationships, we are to work/serve in sincerity of heart rather than be “man-pleasers” who give external service with an insincere heart. The Lord often brings this verse to my mind when I’m faced with tasks I don’t want to do or if I’m having a difficult time completing a task. It’s a relatively easy verse to memorize and definitely worth it as it makes so much sense. If our lives are Christ’s, then both menial and important tasks should be done with integrity and without complaining; for we’re serving the Lord. If we’re exhausted at the end of the day and tired of taking care of little ones, being a care-giver, paying bills, or working a 12+ hour day, we can remember that God sees us. What we’re doing and the attitude in which it’s done is important to Him, even if no one else notices. It is God whom we serve.

See right here for more of what the scriptures have to say about work and what every Christian needs to know about it.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity to serve You in whatever work I am doing. Help me keep this verse on my mind as I remember who I am in Christ.

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Adapted from If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2





“Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16

I love this verse because it reminds us that we may have been raised in a home where we heard how bad or unworthy we were, but now we have “new tapes.”  We have the Word of Christ richly dwelling in us. We have new songs to play in our minds – spiritual songs about our Heavenly Father, how much He loves us and we love Him. If you’ve listened to the “tape” that you’re not a good singer or decided you don’t care for Christian music, replace that thought with the truth of today’s verse. Singing in our hearts to God isn’t a performance before others. Rather, it changes us from the inside out. If you aren’t familiar with Christian songs or hymns, listen HERE for FREE. Tune into Christian music to tune your heart to the many blessings and joy that are yours in Christ.

Heavenly Father, thank YOU for giving me new words – the Word of Christ and new songs – songs of praise. 

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Adapted from If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2





“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts;

Colossians 3:15

When we become Christians, we become citizens of the kingdom of God. We fall under HIS GODLY RULE. Rather than being slaves to our old temperament or slaves to sin, we are freed to experience His peaceful rule. Rule means to be an umpire, decide, determine, direct, control. Commentator Wuest quotes Lightfoot on this passage. “Whenever there is a conflict of motives or impulses or reasons, the peace of Christ must step in and decide which is to prevail.” When you’re experiencing Christ’s peace, a traffic jam doesn’t throw you for a loop because you know God can make all things work together for good. Peace is not going crazy when well-laid plans fall apart because you know God has a better plan. You prayerfully turn your situation over to Him and let Him rule. Peace is knowing that God can work in your child’s life even when things look dismal. Peace is letting Christ calm the raging storm that threatens to blow you off course. Peace is trusting your marriage to God as you let Him rule over your emotions, mind, and actions. Peace is not fearing the unknown, but rather resting in God who knows all. Who is ruling your heart? Christ is offering.

Heavenly Father, thank YOU for the unbelievable gift of Christ and His rule in my heart. 

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Adapted from If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2







“put on…humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another,

Colossians 3:12-13

As we consider who we are in Christ, it’s important to remember that we’re His vessels on earth. Humility stands in stark contrast to pride. It isn’t cringing-submission or thinking poorly of ourselves. Rather, it’s humble submission to God and service toward others. Gentleness isn’t weakness. It’s power under control. It’s a mother firmly, lovingly disciplining her children rather than lashing out. It’s a spouse boldly speaking the truth in love rather than being cutting and rude. To be patient and bear with one another means to be long-tempered rather than short-tempered. It’s holding up under pressure. We may tire of situations or even people. However, as Christ bears with us, we’re to bear with others. To bear with one another and forgive means “to hold up, sustain, endure.” It’s the opposite of quitting on each other. It affects every relationship of our lives. Whether you’re in a difficult marriage or work relationship; in the throes of child rearing, serving as caregiver; or battling your own sins, God has a word for you: Don’t give up. Hang in there! With God, nothing is impossible. Lk 1:37

Heavenly Father, thank You for the reminder of who I am in Christ. Fill me and use me today as Christ’s vessel. 

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Adapted from If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2





“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of …

Colossians 3:12

Chosen of God, holy and beloved” should be laminated and worn daily as a reminder of who we Christians are. Would it make a difference if it were dangling as a necklace from our necks as we discipline our children? Would it cause us to think twice before we honked our horn at someone who edged into our parking place? How would the reminder affect us when we’re grappling with feelings of low self-worth? What effect woud the reminder have on Satan as he prowls, seeking someone to devour? Might he turn and look for someone weak in their faith, rather than us? How might “chosen, holy, and beloved” affect the tone of our voice when meeting with a coach, teacher, or business associate with whom we’re upset? How would it affect our converstation with someone with whom we’re chatting? How would it affect our attitude toward our spouse, sibling, or parent? God chose (elected) us to be holy and blameless. He loves us. Since we weren’t holy and blameless, He made us holy and blameless in Christ. Now, God wants us to act like who we are and whose we are.

Heavenly Father, forgive me. Too often I forget who I am and whose I am. Replace my rebellious spirit with Your Spirit so they I act and speak in ways that honor and glorify Your name.   

From If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2





“Christ is all, and in all

Colossians 3:11

Recently I spoke at Oak Hills Church “Mentoring Moms” in San Antonio. The topic given to me was “A Fruitful Harvest.” I had such joy sharing with the moms. One point the Lord “drove home” for me to share was that the most important seeds moms can plant in their children is the Word of God. Why? Because the most important “harvest” is their children knowing Christ as Savior. We plant the seeds of truth and we pray. The miraculous outcome of faith is the gift of Christ living in the human soul. It is never too late to pray – for both ourselves and others. Do we hear, really hear what Colossians 3:11 says; which Paul so eloquently stated also in Colossians 1:27? We can quit striving to “do good” in our flesh. Instead, focus today on WHO is living in you. Offer your body and mind to Christ to live through. The result? We will be peaceful. Christ will be powerful – more than enough to meet the demands of the day.

Heavenly Father, To say “thank You” for CHRIST IN ME sounds so simplistic. Rather, I should be shouting THANK YOU from the rooftop. More importantly, my life should be an outlandish demonstration of Christ’s Spirit, power, and glory in and through me. I pray for that today. And, I pray it for my friends.

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“the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him

Colossians 3:10

Our new self is being renewed. Renew means “to cause to grow up, to be given new strength and vigor.” Isn’t this wonderful news?  How does this process of renewal and gaining new strength and vigor occur? The apostle Peter answers that question. “…like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation.” (1 Peter 2:2) Paul then explains that after drinking in the elementary principles of our faith, we’re to chew on the solid food (doctrines/teachings) of God’s Word. (1 Corinthians 3:1-2) When we do, we’ll be spiritually invigorated and renewed. We’ll grow. Isn’t it about time we open our Bibles and drink and chew on God’s Word?

Heavenly Father, You are a great and awesome God who has not only planned for my birth in Your kingdom, but also my growth. Thank You for the Holy Scriptures by which I am renewed, strengthened, and invigorated to carry on this day and to walk into tomorrow.

From If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2





“have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him—

Colossians 3:10

According to Colossians 3:10, our Creator has REcreated us in Christ Jesus. We have put on a NEW SELF in Christ. We put on a “new, recently born” self. Our new self isn’t our old self patched up or remodeled. This is important to understand. At salvation you were born anew (John 3:3-6) That’s why Jesus explained to Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” You must be born of God’s Spirit or you’re not going to heaven. Old-natured people who don’t have God’s Spirit are not in heaven. New Holy Spirit-natured people are in heaven. Have you been born anew by God’s Spirit? If so, you are NEW SELF.

Heavenly Father, thank You that I am a NEW person because of Christ’s Holy Spirit in me!

From If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2





“When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.”

Colossians 3:4

In our study of who we are in Christ, we learn of our identity both here on earth and in heaven. We’re reminded in Colossians 3:1-4 of two contrasts: things above and things below; things hidden and things revealed. In other words, we live in two spheres. How mindful we are of the spiritual affects our attitude and decisions. For instance, if we’re going through a dismal time, we find comfort thinking on how we will one day see Christ revealed in glory. We find additional comfort thinking of how we, too, will be revealed in glory. All the stresses of life will drop from us. Our “life” with Christ that is now hidden will be revealed in all its fullness. According to The Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, reveal means “to make manifest or make actual and visible, realized. Today, we look up at the heavens and know Christ is there, but we can’t see Him. One day, we will, and we will be revealed with Him. That is who you are, believer! Destined for heaven’s glory where Christ will be revealed and YOU WILL BE REVEALED with HIM IN GLORY!

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your great plan in which You have destined us to be revealed with Christ is glory!

From If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2





“For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”

Colossians 3:3

Are you worried about the future and being alone? There are few words that bring more comfort that those found in Colossians 3:3 – that we are with Christ. In other words, if you’re a Christian, you are not alone, nor will you ever be alone. Jesus picked you to be with Him forever. John 17:21-24 records Jesus’s prayer in which He prayed, “…that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. v23 I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and loved them, even as You have loved Me. 24 Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” You were on Jesus’s mind before and during His arrest, crucifixion, and ascension. He has picked you to be with Him forever.

Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for the comfort and blessing of knowing that I am with You forever!

From If God in In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?

NAS Bible Verses, Bible Gateway, #bgbg2

