Last Days

End Times Bible Study


Join us for Spring Women’s Bible Study!

Jesus taught about it. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Micah, Joel, Paul, James, Peter, and John, among others, were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write about it. Write about what? The prophesied last days. The end times. The Day of the Lord. Bible scholars state that at least 25% of the Bible is prophecy and half of the prophecies are still to be fulfilled. Yet often Christians don’t know what the Bible says about the end times. In fact, some Christians avoid the subject even though Jesus called John up to heaven in order to reveal what was going to happen in the last days, which he recorded in Revelation.

End Times: What You Should Know, What You Can Do is not a verse-by-verse study of Revelation nor is it a prediction of when the Lord is going to return. Only our Heavenly Father knows that. Rather, it is a Biblically based study of what the Bible tells us about the end times and how we are to live in light of them. Topics include:

  • The Reasons for End Times Prophecies
  • The Reliability of Prophecy
  • The Reality of the Rapture
  • The Revealing of End Time Events
  • The Rewards for Faithful Living
  • How to Have Assurance of Salvation

Through this study, you’ll become knowledgeable of where the end times are mentioned in the Bible, the signs of the end times, and how the Bible tells us to live in light of the end times and Christ’s return.

Accompanying videos will deepen your understanding of end time events and answer the question, “what can I do to prepare for the end times and help others prepare?”

Register HERE.
