Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas
The Real Christmas Story
Blessings, sweet friends, as we share the real Christmas story with family and friends. And, for those of you not feeling the Christmas Spirit and for those of you who are, check out my new Faith Nugget devotional, “Candy Cane.” Print, then staple the poem to candy canes so you have a handy way to share the meaning of Christmas with cashiers, friends, or strangers you pass.
Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas
Merry Christmas!
O Come Let Us Adore Him
Copyright “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams
Friends, it’s our opportunity to come and adore Jesus. Prophecy has been fulfilled. The Child was born. God’s Son was given to us. The government of all worlds rests on Him. Jesus is the Wonderful Counselor. He is the Mighty God. He is Eternal Father. He is Prince of Peace. Celebrate. Worship. Adore. I love you, sweet friends.
Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams
Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor. Romans 12:10
This month we’ve been preparing our hearts for Christmas by considering how the decorations and plants we use can point us to Christ. I’ve shared how many of the traditions I’ve brought into our home are those I got from my mother. However, when Keith and I married, my mother-in-law introduced me to the narcissus, which has a tall slender stalk and small paper-white blossoms in contrast to the thick stalked amaryllis with its giant red blossoms my mother adored.
Incorporating the narcissus into our traditions was a reminder of how Christmas is a time to value what other family members bring into our lives. I am grateful for not only the fragrance of my mother’s life, but also for that of my mother-in-law’s. So if you enjoy decorating with a narcissus, consider how it points us to prepare our hearts for Christmas. First, as the narcissus is white, we are reminded that Christ has cleansed us of our sin and made us pure white as He is. What a glorious thought! Second, as the narcissus has a distinct fragrance, we are to be distinct among the world, carrying the unique fragrance of Christ to others. Third, as we consider the fragile blossoms of the narcissus and its unique differences from the amaryllis, let’s remember that God has made each person unique and that relationships can be fragile. As we prepare our hearts for Christmas may we value the gift of not only our relationship with Christ, but also the gift of our relationships with others. May we remember Christ’s words to us to “be devoted to one another in brotherly love; to give preference to one another in honor,” Romans 12:10.
Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams
The amaryllis is perhaps one of my favorite symbols of new life in Jesus, carrying with it the message to rest in Christ and live expectantly. As with many traditions, my mother brought a red amaryllis bulb into our home at the beginning of the Christmas season. My sister, Vicki, and I enthusiastically watched her bury the ugly brown bulb in a flower pot. Then, we helped her pat the soil around it. As a young child it was hard to believe that a beautiful red flower would emerge from the dead looking bulb. Every day we would check the bulb searching for green life. Mother faithfully watered the plant and assured us, “It’ll grow.” Finally, the day would come. We’d discover a tiny green stem protruding from the bulb. Then the stem would grown before our eyes, becoming taller and stronger each day until finally, pregnant with life, it bloomed. That which had been brown and lifeless emerged with red, beautiful, showy flowers. It was only natural that I continued the tradition with our children and explained the spiritual significance of each stage of the plant. First, in order to be who Christ intends us to be, we must identify with Him in His death. Dying to ourselves includes burying ourselves in the Bible to learn His ways. It means filling our dry souls with the daily flow of the Holy Spirit who is as living water within us. We must also rest in Christ and trust Him for our growth, knowing that as my mother assured us about the amaryllis, “It’ll grow,” so we will one day emerge in heaven in full bloom. So will our Christian children. So be assured, sweet friends, in times when there seems to be no activity of no growth, “God is causing the growth,” (1 Corinthians 3:6).
3 Days til CHRISTMAS! Do you need a last minute gift? How about a donation in honor of that special someone who already has everything? We’ll let them know of your thoughtfulness and our ongoing mission to spread the Word and love of Jesus. In the “notes” or “comments” section, provide the name and address of the person you are honoring. We’ll take care of the rest. Thank you! And remember, your donation is tax deductible. Questions? Email me: [email protected].
The Witness of the Poinsettia
Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses… Acts 1:8
Do you have traditions that you carry on that were a part of your childhood Christmas memories? I do, and my mother decorating with poinsettias is one of them. The poinsettia derives its name from Joel Robert Poinsett who brought the plant from Mexico to the United States in 1829. Why do Christians like getting or giving poinsettias at Christmas? Their blood-red petals remind us of the blood Christ shed for our sins. The green leaves remind us of the eternal life we have in Him. The gold crowning center of the flower reminds us that Christ is the crowned King of heaven who reigns on high. The Poinsettia calls us to consider if Jesus is the crowning center of our life, if we worship and bow before Him, if we let Him reign over our thoughts, decisions, and behavior? Just as I did not know about poinsettias until my mother introduced them to me, so we have friends and neighbors who do not know Jesus. Why not give a poinsettia to an unsaved friend or family member and share why you like them? Introduce them to the true meaning of Christmas.
4 Days til CHRISTMAS! Do you need a last minute gift? How about a donation in honor of that special someone who already has everything? We’ll let them know of your thoughtfulness and our ongoing mission to spread the Word and love of Jesus. In the “notes” or “comments” section, provide the name and address of the person you are honoring. We’ll take care of the rest. Thank you! And remember, your donation is tax deductible. Questions? Email me: [email protected].
Oh! Remember to watch the magnificence of of Jupiter and Saturn tonight. As we do, we’ll be reminded of the STAR that guided the wise men. Oh, what a magnificent, wonderful Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit we have, sweet friends. Celebrate them! Love you.
The Christmas Tree
Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams
“Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may enter by the gates into the city.” Revelation 22:14
A Christmas tree is often the centerpiece around which Christmas activity occurs. However, this Christmas, as we gather around the evergreen tree to sing carols or open presents, let’s turn our thoughts heavenward to the tree that stands at the centerpiece of our faith – the tree of life that stood in the Garden of Eden, the tree of life on which Jesus was crucified to secure our eternal salvation, the tree of life we will see in the New Jerusalem.
5 DAYS til CHRISTMAS! Give a gift that will keep giving all year long. Prayers of My Heart JOURNAL – a place to renew thoughts, develop gratitude, record God’s answers to prayers, and record what God places on your heart. Get it on Amazon. Get it HERE.
Copyright, “Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas,” by Debbie Taylor Williams
You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:14, 16
Ornaments decorate Christmas trees and reflect the lights on trees. As we observe them hanging on the branches and reflecting the lights, they are a reminder of the need for us to hang close to Jesus so we reflect His light. Ornaments also reflect the personality of the one who bought them. Likewise, Christians who hang close to Jesus reflect His personality – His love, joy, peace, and kindness. When I was a child we would sometimes bring the box of tree ornaments into the family room but not take the time to hang them on the tree for several days. Wrapped and cushioned they remained in the box, not adorning the tree, not reflecting the tree lights, not showing forth the personality of the one who had purchased them. May that not be said of us, sweet friends. Rather, may we each hang close to Jesus so we reflect His light and personality.
LOOKING for a LAST MINUTE GIFT? Here it is: Prayers of My Heart JOURNAL to kick off 2021 with new thoughts, new optimism, fresh prayers, a place to record God’s answers, verses to memorize and encourage. Get it on Amazon. Get it from me.