Thanking God

Getting Started



I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’re interested in journaling your prayers. When people ask me, “Why journal?” my heart immediately goes to the Bible. Do you realize all the prayers that are journaled in the Bible? Any conversations you read between God and Adam, God and Moses, God and anyone….are prayers He ordained be journaled. We learn from reading those prayers what is on God’s heart and mind. In addition, it gives us reason to praise Him when we read God’s Words to man, then we see His will accomplished.

Not only is the Bible a journal of God’s words to man, but also men and women’s words to God. Read Hannah’s words and learn about faith. Read Mary’s and Elizabeth’s songs of praise and better learn how to praise God.

Journaling is a way to quiet our hearts before God. Instead of dashing through our prayers, we slow down as we write key requests in the Week at A Glance section. At other times we pour out our hearts in the Meditations, Notes, and Prayer section. And, if you’ve not used it yet, the Month at A Glance is the place to record prayer requests that come to you for friend’s or family member’s doctor’s appointments, surgery dates, court summons, counseling sessions, job interviews, school tests, anything on the calendar. As a matter of fact, I have my prayer journal beside me now and am getting ready to update it with a friend’s ministry calendar so I can pray for her when she’s speaking at events.


If you’re like me, often the hardest part of a task is getting started. That’s why I want to encourage you today….right now….to get your journal and sit down with me. Let’s go through this together. If you do, you may wind up like our sister who wrote me a few days ago. Read what she emailed me.

Hey, Debbie! I got it!! I was jumping up and down at the mailbox–I know my neighbors thought I was crazy!! But, it’s here! I have never used a prayer journal for an entire year until this one! It is a wonderful tool that helps us to remember who and what to pray for and to follow up on those prayers–to see that God does listen and heal and speak to us–even today! Hugs! Susan

Yes, that could be YOU saying those words in a year. So, why not give it a try? One of the biggest blessings and opportunities, is having your prayers recorded so you don’t forget to thank God for all the ways He’s answering your prayers. We often can pray so many prayers that we forget the many ones He’s answered. I recall with startling vividness, when God convicted me of the need to go back and thank Him for prayers He had answered. It was when I was studying Luke 17:11-18. Go back and read that passage. Consider the difference it would make in your relationship with Jesus if you began recording your requests and thanking Him for each time He answers.

Blessings to you…,
