

Do you ever feel like you need someone to defend you or your cause? This morning in my reading of Isaiah 37, I came upon verse 35, in which the Lord is speaking. “For I will defend this city to save it for My own sake and for My servant David’s sake.”

In this passage, the king of Assyria has threatened King Hezekiah of Jerusalem. Hezekiah, realizing he could not defend Jerusalem against the armies of Assyria, grieved and prayed. He asked others to pray with him. When the threat intensified in the form of a letter, Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messenger and placed it in the hand of the Lord. Isaiah 37:14 states he literally gave the letter to the Lord. What a lesson for us! “Then Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went up to the house of the Lord and spread it out before the Lord.” God answered Hezekiah with reassuring words and a promise to defend and save Jerusalem.

What problem or challenge do you face today? Why not literally follow Hezekiah’s example? Though he was king, he depended on a higher power. The result? God answered in a god-sized way that man could not have accomplished.

God is still on our side if we are living to bring Him honor and glory. Why not go before the Lord today? Spread out your situation before Him. Kneel in His presence. Acknowledge that although you may be king of your castle, queen of your home, or president of your business, you need a higher power. After you spread out your situation before God, stay quietly in His presence. He directs our thoughts in the silence of meditation moments.

Lord, thank You that You are my Defender.
What a comfort that brings to my heart. Thank You that I can spread out my situations before You and know that You hear my words and see my prayers I journal. What a delight it is to write “PTL” for “Praise the Lord” as You answer requests I’ve journaled. Lord, help me live in a way that brings You honor and glory; to be one whom You want to defend for Your name’s sake. I love You and thank You for the strength and wisdom You provide.
In Jesus’s name, Amen.
