“Behold, My servant will prosper, He will be high and lifted up and greatly exalted.”
Isaiah 52:13
Things aren’t always what they seem. And, simply because things appear one way in a moment of time, it doesn’t mean they’ll always remain that way. Case in point: Jesus. If we had been in Jerusalem when Jesus was hanging on the cross, we might have labeled the moment, “Jesus failed – at His lowest point and down and out.” However, a moment in time does not define the time nor does it define a person. Case in point: Jesus. He prospered. Three days after His death, God raised Him. Jesus is seated at the right hand of God – high and lifted up and greatly exalted. The next time you feel down and out, remember, the moment is not defining you. Rather, your relationship with Jesus is the deciding factor and the one that tells the story of your life.
I praise You, Lord Jesus, HIGH and LIFTED UP!
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