“…Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word in the sight of God and all the people.”

Luke 24:19

Do you wish you knew the answer to your problems? Have you ever prayed, “Lord, direct me!” Or, “Show me what to do!” What if you were a prophet who could foretell the future. Would that be cool? Jesus was a prophet. He knew what was coming down the road. And, although the Bible doesn’t always outline the specifics of our day, Jesus used the Scriptures to point out events past, present, and future; a good reason to read what our Prophet taught. It will prepare you for today and tomorrow. It will help answer your questions.

Jesus, You are a PROPHET mighty in deed and word. I praise You!  

*Click HERE for daily encouragement.  Record God’s names and titles in Prayers of My Heart prayer journal so you’ll have a keepsake of all 365.
