“The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” 

Luke 19:10

The first book/Bible study I was asked to write was Discovering His Passion. It’s still one of my favorites. The premise of the book? Luke 19:10. Jesus explained Himself and why he went all over the country doing what He did. He had COME to earth to seek and to save people. Forget hunting for Easter eggs. Stop seeking the best for yourself. Join Jesus in His work. Seek those who don’t have a personal relationship with God. That was Jesus’s passion. I praise Him that He sought me out. I praise Him that He sought you out, and that He continues to seek and save the lost.

Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your passion to SEEK and to SAVE the lost. You sought and saved me. All praise to YOU! 

Click HERE for info on Discovering His Passion
