Are You in Need of Wonder Working Power

Do you wish you could twitch your nose or snap your fingers and presto, what you long for would appear? The fact is, those techniques may work in movies, but not real life. However, God does work wonders. Sometimes those wonders take time. Other times, moments. Regardless of the timing, our Heavenly Father is the One on whom we are to set our hearts if we’re in need of wonder working power. Moses is but one of many who needed a miracle and God stepped in. Listen to his words of praise in Exodus 15:11. “Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, Awesome in praises, working wonders?” If we’re in need of wonder working power, we can ask God for help, be still in His presence, and listen to His guidance. We can do as He tells us and experience His wonder working help.
Lord God, You are the WORKER of WONDERS! We look to You, pray to You, and praise You!
Prayers of My Heart is where you can record what God places on your heart. Then, when He answers, you can date the answer and write your words of praise to Him as Moses did.