“What does your husband do?” Many women are asked that question after the prior, “Are you married?” For a single woman who longs to be married, the questions can be exasperating. For a woman whose husband works in a position she doesn’t respect, such questions can make her feel uncomfortable. But how about if someone asked about your husband and you replied, “He’s the God of all the earth, the Lord of HOSTS. Yep, that’s my husband.” Then you could quickly reply, “And what does your husband do?” God CHOSE to describe Himself as Husband, married to you for eternity. That’s praiseworthy!
Lord, my HUSBAND, maker, Lord of hosts, Redeemer, Holy One of Israel, God of all the earth, I love You and praise You for Your tender care of me for eternity!
*Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, Thank you.