“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.”
Matthew 28:6
We know the story well. It’s preached at Easter. But think how it must have sounded to the first person to whom it was told. First the acknowledgement that Jesus had died: “I know you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified.” (v 5) Then, the shocking announcement that the grave couldn’t contain Jesus. Death couldn’t hold Him. THAT is the ONE we worship. The RISEN ONE. To worship any other is idolatrous.
RISEN LORD, I celebrate You and Your victory over death!
*Debbie Taylor Williams. Permissions: You are permitted and encouraged to forward or share this material provided that you do not alter the wording in any way and do not charge a fee for it. Any exception to the above must be approved by Debbie Taylor Williams. Please include on any web posting or printed distribution: © Debbie Taylor Williams, www.debbietaylorwilliams.com. Thank you.