“laying aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.

Ephesians 4:25

In recent years, our ears have been tuned to Washington where lying seems to be increasing. We’ve been shocked. However, our ears have also been tuned to people in positions of spiritual leadership who have lied, and we’ve been disheartened. Why does it hurt us to an even greater degree when Christians lie to one another? The answer is because we are members of one another. And, as Ephesians 4:24 reminds us, we are to be living by our “new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the TRUTH.” What does this mean to us? We are not to lie to ourselves, God, or others. Before we hurl stones at Washington, perhaps we should check our hearts. Are we lying to ourselves about something? A sin? A promise? A relationship? Are we lying to another person-either directly or by withholding information? If we are, then today is the day God is calling us to “lay aside falsehood and speak truth; for we are MEMBERS of ONE ANOTHER.” Our lie never just hurts us. It hurts others. It hurts Christ.

Heavenly Father, forgive us for any way in which we have not spoken truth. Forgive us for any way that we have lived in or spoken falsehood. May we by the conviction and power of Your Holy Spirit lay falsehood aside and may we speak truth to one another.  


