“He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself,“
Say it, “I’m God’s adopted child.” Isn’t that cool? Think about it. Ponder it. Can we even get our minds around the holy, awesome, all-powerful ONE who reigns in heaven with angelic hosts to do His bidding – HIM – choosing to adopt us as His sons and daughters? It’s mind-boggling. But, that is who we are if we’re Christians. How were were adopted? Through an adoption agency, of course. No, it wasn’t any of the adoption agencies with which we’re familiar: Gladney, Adoption Advocates, or any other. Rather, it is through the Jesus Christ Adoption Agency. Yes, we were adopted through Christ Jesus. We are safe. We have an eternal home. No longer are we orphans left to live and die in Satan’s orphanage of darkness. We have an Eternal Father. Oh, I pray you love Him dearly. He deserves our deepest adoration.
Heavenly Father, how good it is to call You my Father who is in heaven. How wonderful to say in bold confidence, Holy is Your name. I am so honored to be Your child. Words are not enough to express my gratefulness. Only a life pleasing to You says thank You. Help me live that life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.