Thanksgiving Message

If it’s been a while since you’ve read 2 Samuel 22, this morning would be a wonderful time to read it. David models thanksgiving to God. He isn’t thanking God because he feels he must, or he’s been told to. He’s praising God because he’s overwhelmed with thanksgiving to Him. He’s SEEN God answer his prayers and meet his needs. In 2 Samuel 22:51,, David praises God for being a TOWER OF DELIVERANCE. Is there something you need delivering from? Perhaps worry, resentment, fear, or covetousness of what other’s have? Let the Lord be for you who is to David…a tower of deliverance for whom you’re thankful.
Lord, You are a TOWER OF DELIVERANCE! We praise You with our whole heart!
FRIENDS, in our stressful society, it’s important tor us to focus our minds on Christ rather than let fear and worry consume us. Research proves that people who keep a gratitude journal are more optimistic about life. Do yourself, loved ones, and friends a favor. Order Prayers of My Heart journal for Christmas gifts. Journaling what we’re thankful for changes our attitude and life. It’s easy to use. Simply write 1-3 things for which you’re thankful in each of the Month At A Glance boxes. As believers, we’re to live with an attitude of thanksgiving. Prayers of My Heart will help you do that. It’s on sale today at your favorite online store. Start here. Today. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude for 2019.
“He is a TOWER OF DELIVERANCE to His king, And shows lovingkindness to His anointed, To David and his descendants forever.” 2 Samuel 22:51