Praise to Our WARRIOR Lord

“The Lord will go forth like a WARRIOR,
He will arouse His zeal like a man of war.
He will utter a shout, yes, He will raise a war cry.
He will prevail against His enemies.”
“WARRIOR” isn’t the first description I think of when praising my Lord. Nor the second or third. Actually, I think this may be a first for me to praise the Lord for being a WARRIOR. But don’t we need warriors? Don’t we want others to go out and fight on our behalf; to protect us from the enemy?
On Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day we celebrate those who stormed beaches and fought in fox holes to defend our freedom from enemies. Why, then, would we think it strange or even perhaps wrong to think of Christ as a Warrior? Isn’t He our champion over the devil? Didn’t He give His life to gain our freedom from sin? Jesus, our Warrior, fights on our behalf. And, He will return one day not as the Lamb of God, but as a WARRIOR.
Lord, we praise You, WARRIOR from on high.