Thank You, BREAD of LIFE
“I am the BREAD OF LIFE.”
Are you hungry? Is there a gnawing within you? Do you feel that something is missing? That no matter what you do, purchase, or where you go, there’s still a yearning for someone or something? Do you seek to fill that emptiness, but it returns? Jesus describes Himself as the BREAD of LIFE. Just like we need “daily bread” for our bodies, so we need Jesus each day for our spirits. An initial receiving of Christ as our Savior is but the beginning of our being filled. Why not make it a practice to “graze” on Christ throughout the day? Begin each morning chewing on the Word. Eat of Him with a Scripture during the day. Read His Words at night before you go to sleep. Rather than live a yearning life, live a thriving one.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, BREAD OF LIFE! Thank You for turning our yearning into satisfaction as we meditate on You.