Ready or Not, He’s Coming

Did you play Hide and Seek when you were a child? The familiar, “Ready or not, here I come” warns the person who is hiding to be ready. Revelation 1:7 is not child’s play. It’s a serious warning that Jesus is coming and we need to be ready. “Behold, HE IS COMING with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be. Amen.” “Amen” means there’s no discussing it. It’s happening. We will either be ready for Christ’s appearing because we’ve repented of our sins and been forgiven or we’ll be covered in our sin and shame. If you’re not ready for Christ, take this as Him offering you the opportunity to be forgiven. Read John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans 10:8-11. Confess you’re a sinner. Ask God to forgive you. Receive the gift of His Holy Spirit. This is your opportunity to get right and be prepared for Jesus. Do it today. He’s coming.
LORD JESUS, COMING KING, we can’t imagine the reality of Your coming, except we believe in faith that You came once. So, in faith, we believe You are returning to earth. Help our faith take action so that we tell others how they can get right with You.