A Resort to Go To

Psalm 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.” Nice verse, right? No. Not “nice verse.” It’s an incredible verse. Fear is coursing through the veins of people. “What will happen to our nation? What will happen to my children and grandchildren? What will happen to me?” This is not God’s intention for us. Let’s go to the meaning behind some of these words and rethink why the words the psalmist said should be our testimony among our peers. SOUGHT: resort to. Think vacation. You yearn to leave the daily grind. You want to go to another place that is peaceful, not draining. Then resort to the LORD. Take your spirit there. Trip off to heaven. “I resorted to the LORD and He answered me.” I went to the front desk of heaven and Jesus was there. “And He answered and delivered me from all my fears.” DELIVER: snatch. Jesus snatched me away from my fears. Friends, when we resort to the Lord, He snatches us from our fears and shows us His heavenly perspective from heaven’s eternal heights. That’s the best vacation we could ever take. Isn’t it time we go there?
Heavenly Father, help us not read Bible verses and think, “that’s nice.” Help us live the words of the Bible.