Praise to Our Heavenly Father

“Therefore, you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

Matthew 5:48

How would you describe your earthly father? Was he “perfect?” Did you know him or was he an absentee dad? Was he loyal or disloyal? On this side of heaven, there are no perfect fathers. But we have a Heavenly Father who is…um….heavenly. He’s perfect. What a blessing it is to know that He is here for us. He loves us. He is available 24/7. He wants us to come to Him with our needs. If you’re feeling alone or down, be encouraged. Your Heavenly Father has His eye on you. Call to Him in your need. Wait silently for Him to speak to your heart and direct you.

HEAVENLY FATHER, thank You for being ever present and for loving us. We praise You. 
