3 Cheers for Lavish Living

Are you living lavishly? I am. It’s so wonderful to have more than I need or could use in my life time. I feel blessed beyond measure. I hope the same is true for you. Peace replaces worry when we know we are safe, secure, covered regardless of what comes our way. Oh, I’m sorry. Did you think I was talking about money? No, I was talking about grace. Money doesn’t get you into the kingdom of heaven. Grace does. Money doesn’t satisfy. Grace does. Money doesn’t make your heart sing. Grace does. Money runs out. Grace doesn’t. Oh, friend, are you mindful of the riches of God’s grace? Are you living in the joy and reality of it? Ephesians 1:7-8 calls us to praise and sing.
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He LAVISHED on us.
Let those words deeply sink into your mind and emotions. Rich. Grace. He. Lavished. On us. Say it out loud. “Rich grace God lavished on me.”
I often look up words in their original language to get a deeper grasp of the fullness of their meaning. The word “lavish” comes from the Greek word perisseúō which means to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; abundant, enough and to spare. So, yes, I’m living lavishly. Daily, His lavish grace sustains me for heaven. When I sin and turn to God in genuine repentance, He responds with lavish grace. It’s amazing, friends, and we ought to be living joyfully, mindful of God’s superfluous grace that He continually pours on us. If you’re not a Christian, I pray you’ll join me in living lavishly. No cash can substitute for grace. Live lavishly. Here’s how.