Praise to the only SOVEREIGN
“I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, …that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will bring about at the proper time – He who is the blessed and only SOVEREIGN, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion! Amen.
It’s interesting, and I’d love to know your take on this. I hear some people say that since Jesus came, we’re free of the Law and commandments. We live in the era of grace. I’ll jump in here – I’m a firm believer that we live in a time of God’s grace extended to us in Christ Jesus. But, what about Paul’s “charge in the presence of God” – for Timothy to “keep the commandment”? And, “without stain or reproach” until Jesus comes back? That has me squirming a bit. Does it you? What does it mean? Could it actually mean that although we’re saved by grace, God expects us to act like His children; not like the world? In the same breathe, Paul spills forth language that could only come from one who is intimately in love with and in awe of the One they’ve seen, referring to Christ as the only Sovereign; which means a royal minister of great authority. Paul can’t stop praising the Lord Jesus Christ by His words …and life. What about you? What’s your take on this?
Lord Jesus Christ, the blessed and only SOVEREIGN, we worship You. May our lives match our lips.
My take on the age of grace; “the Church age” is a special dispensation that I hope ends soon. I am a pre-trib believer and I have seen and experience enough suffering, senseless killing, poverty, pain, and destruction. I am looking forward to 1 Thess. 4:13-18. Meanwhile, we wait believing His return is imminent and we should have our “lamps” burning and full of the oil of the Holy Spirit. I have failed miserably trying not to commit any of the sins of the 10 commandments. But what I have learned by failing, God’s grace always points me to the cross. His word teaches us this also.
Jesus is always there for me. He pulls me out of the briar thicket, the muddy ditches or the pig pen. The Law kills, but Christs brings life,
and life more abundantly. If we confess our sins we have an Advocate sitting or standing at the right hand of the Father in heaven. What a glorious future awaits those who trust and believe. I praise and thank you, Jesus, for being my High Priest and Advocate, to whom I can talk to and confess my sins to and receive your forgiveness. I praise you Lord for the gift of mercy and grace You bestow upon me. Maranatha, and Shalom
Rae Lynn, how beautifully you voiced so many truths. I agree and rejoice with you that our Advocate is ever ready to forgive and make intercession for us. A glorious future does await us! All praise to our wonderful Lord! Thanks for taking time to comment.
In Christ’s Joy, Debbie