A Sippy Cup Won’t Do

When we come to God for a new life in Christ, we don’t come to a sippy cup of refreshing life. We come to an overflowing fountain of life. “Come to Me and drink!” Jesus invites us. (John 7:37) And don’t stop drinking. God’s fountain flows in the “innermost being” of the one who believes in Jesus. From where does the living water originate? Psalm 36:9 tells us. “For with You is the FOUNTAIN of LIFE…” God is a FOUNTAIN of LIFE. During these Covid-19 shut in days, why not use the time to dive into a Bible study? You’ll find it quenches a thirst and refreshes your innermost being. It will feed you so you’re strengthened to endure each day. There’s no better time than now to read/study for the first time or re-read “The Plan A Woman in a Plan B World” or “If God is In Control, Why Am I a Basket Case?” Or, if you prefer to listen, you’ll find “The Plan A Woman in a Plan B World FREE audio so you can listen as you go about your day. Or, pick the thirst quenching study of your choice. (Hint: How to Live by the Divine Nature is one of my favs.)
Lord, You are the FOUNTAIN of LIFE! Thank You for Your Word, Spirit, and presence that fill us and flow in and through us when we drink richly of You.