Do You Remember When…?

How old were you when you first heard John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life”? It’s an incredible invitation to every person in the world. Think about it!
- God so loves the world that He took action to save us.
- God sacrificed His Only Begotten Son on our behalf.
- God invites everyone to believe and be saved.
- God promises the gift of eternal life to those who believe in Jesus.
Pray fervently for any unsaved person you know to respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and be saved. Pray for eyes to see the opportunities God is giving you to share Him with others.
Heavenly Father, thank You for your ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, Jesus Christ. Stir me to draw closer to You and to share You with others. I love You and thank You for the incredible gift of the forgiveness of my sins and salvation in Christ.
There’s still time to get a copy of the 365 Days of Praise devotional before the first of the New Year! With 365 A-Z attributes of God and heartfelt prayers, it will help deepen your faith and keep you rooted in His Word. You may also consider giving it as a thoughtful gift to a friend to start the year off with encouragement and hope.
Order your copy on Amazon by clicking HERE. Your purchase helps Hill Country Ministries continue spreading the love of Jesus!