Who Is the Father of Spirits?

Father of Spirits. Are you familiar with this title of God? We don’t often hear it. More often in prayer groups we hear praises of God as the Way, Truth, and Life; of Him being Sovereign and Healer.
However, in Hebrews 12:9, the author uses the designation Father of Spirits. “We had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of Spirits and live?”
What is meant by Father of Spirits?
Although some commentators mention a possible reference to God’s creation of angels, far more agree it is a reference to God being the father – creator – of people’s souls. We find a similar reference in this regard in Numbers 16:22. “O God, God of the spirits of all flesh, when one man sins, will You be angry with the entire congregation?” God of the spirits of all flesh is a reference to God’s creation of mankind.
There is a most important aspect to God being referred to as the Father of Spirits in Hebrews 12:9. The passage goes on to explain that as earthly fathers discipline their children, the Father of Spirits disciplines His children. Who are His children? Those who have been born again, (John 3:3) of the Holy Spirit; who are new creations. Galatians 6:15
The Father of Spirits gives us a new birth. He then assumes responsibility for disciplining us so we share in His holiness. (Hebrews 12:10) What a wonderful Father of Spirits we have!
FATHER OF SPIRITS, thank You for giving us a new birth with Your Spirit and disciplining us so we share Your holiness. We love You and pray we reflect well on You, our Father.
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