Saved from the Devil’s Intentions

Picture this. A mom is walking across the street with her child to take him to the park. Suddenly, a truck approaches at a high speed and swerves out of control. Instinctively, the mom pushes her child behind her, taking the brunt of the impact. No one told her to do that. She did it to save her child’s life. If there had been time for her to think it through, she would have done the same thing. A mom lays down her life for her child. And, our Creator laid down His life for us. Something much worse than an out of control truck that kills the body was barreling toward us. An out of control devil with malice and evil intentions aims to mangle our body, soul, spirit. But, Jesus stepped between us and saved us. In the parable of the good shepherd in John 10:11, Jesus explained,
I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
There you have it. In Christ’s own words He tells us that He laid down His life for us. He came between us and the devil’s evil intentions that would have robbed us of heaven’s glory and all that our Heavenly Father has waiting for us. Worship your Good Shepherd. Thank Him. Avoid anything evil since He has saved you for good and glory.
Christ Jesus, You are the GOOD SHEPHERD who laid down Your life for us. We love You and praise You!