Are We or Aren’t We

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If someone were to ask you what makes your life, marriage, family, career, and friendships work well, what would you say? Are you successful because you’re a hard worker? Are you successful because you’re conscientious? Or, perhaps a good listener? It’s an important question. A more important question, though, is what makes your life, marriage, family, career, friendships work to the glory of God? Why is that an important question? Because if we are a Christian, 1 Corinthians 10:31 says that everything we do is to be to the glory of God. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Acts 4:11 reinforces this fact by saying Jesus is the stone that was rejected, but who became the CHIEF CORNERSTONE.” In other words, we’re to build our lives on Christ in such a way that our life brings Him glory. If that’s not happening, we can begin today. We can draw closer to Jesus.
JESUS, You are the Chief Cornerstone on whom we’re to build our lives and glorify You. Help us consider if we’re doing that and if not, how we can.