How Steady is Your Future?

If someone were to ask you what makes your life, marriage, family, career, and friendships work, what would you say? Would you say it’s because you’re a hard worker? You’re conscientious? You’re a good listener? It’s an important question.
A more important question, however, is what makes your life, marriage, family, career, and friendships work in a way that brings God glory? Why is that important? Christians are to live in a way that brings glory to God according to 1 Corinthians 10:31. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
Does that mean we will be perfect? No. It means we will be purposeful about building our lives on Christ, who Acts 4:11 describes as a chief cornerstone. When we stray, we turn back to Christ, repent, and build on what we know is His will instead of continuing to build in the wrong direction.
At the base of the believer’s life is the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. He is the foundation on which we want our lives to be built.
If it is your heart’s desire to build your life on Christ, study His Word. Join others for prayer and fellowship. Take steps to draw closer to Jesus.
Lord Jesus, thank You that I can build my life on You, the CHIEF CORNERSTONE.
One of our key verses today is Acts 4:11. To watch Debbie’s full teaching on Acts 4, click HERE. Download the free accompanying listening guide, by clicking HERE.