Are You Joined at the Spiritual Hip

God is ALL KNOWING as Psalm 139:4 explains. “Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you KNOW it all.” He knows our thoughts, weaknesses, and heart better than we do. Romans 8:26,27. He knows our future. Acts 11:27,28. He knows what others are thinking, doing, and planning. He knows Satan’s schemes. There is no one to whom we can go who is more knowledgeable, loving, caring, wise, and invested in what is best for us. When we begin our day bowed before Him, confessing our love, proclaiming His majesty, and thanking Him for His grace, His ears are tuned to the confessions of our struggles and needs and those for whom we pray. Our confidence to enter into our day, our inner peace and joy rest not in circumstances beyond our control, but in our loving Father in whom we have placed our trust. Whatever lies before us, we know our Father loves us, will be there for us, and walk with us, guiding us along the right path. The wise believer acknowledges God not only in perfunctory blessings before meals but in intimate union, studying God’s ways, joined at the spiritual “hip,” His Spirit,” from the time their eyes open in the morning till their eyes close at night. Are we wise?
Heavenly Father, You are the ALL KNOWING, OMNISCIENT Lord, who loves us so much. Awaken us to the gift of Your presence to guide us through each moment of the day. May we live joyfully because You are guiding us through our day.