Are You Ready for Jesus’s Answer

John 2:19-21 records a a question the Jews asked Jesus and His response. Their question? “What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?” The “things” Jesus had done included driving the sheep and oxen out of the temple, pouring out the money changers’ coins, overturning their tables, and ordering them, “Stop making My Father’s house a place of business.” In other words, Jesus acted like He owned the TEMPLE. Jesus’s replied, “Destroy the TEMPLE and I’ll rebuild it in three days.” Jesus wasn’t talking about the stone temple, however. He was talking about His body, the temple of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus foretold, He raised His body three days after they destroyed it. Miraculous, yes. But a point God is driving home to me concerns Jesus’s actions and words regarding His temple. He drove out all that wasn’t supposed to be in it. Certainly, He must feel the same about our bodies, His TEMPLES, in whom His Spirit dwells. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Lord Jesus, TEMPLE of the Most High, thank You for coming from heaven and tabernacling in us. Drive out all that is in us that dishonors You.
Do you need encouragement that Jesus cares about you and your body? If so, you’ll find His tender mercy in these 6 short, meaningful chapters.