Be A Part of Something BIG

Hey Friends,
It is a crazy strange time in the life of our nation and world, isn’t it?
I wanted to check in with you because today is Big Give and that means that not only does my ministry get to celebrate having completed 20 years of ministry, but we have the opportunity to celebrate a new time in which we can minister to people in our nation and yes, even reach through my non prof ministry people throughout the world.
Covid 19 is not stopping the cause of Christ. Rather it is inviting we who are Christians to give big, to be a part of Christ’s kingdom and what He is wanting to do at this time in the world.
I invite you to participate with me in giving today online. Here’s a link you can click to Big Give.
When you can give $20, $200, $2,000, you are investing in ministry that has a proven track record of 20 years, and I pray is going strong 20 years from now.
Thank you for giving on this day of Big Give so we can continue our mission to serve the purposes of Christ and reach people with the good news that Christ rescued us out of the domaine of darkness and He has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved son for whoever will call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for connecting with me through 365 Days of Praise daily devotions that you receive online, or maybe the weekly UpLIFT Minute, or perhaps the new Kids Time devotional that we are doing for moms to use with their children.
There are so many resources for you to check out on our website at or
And don’t forget, Hill County Ministries has taken the P.R.A.Y. with Passion Across the Nation Conference to women throughout the United States with the exception of us reaching Oregon and Maine. Oregon. How will we reach Oregon? Will you pray with me? Will you invest financially with me so that we can share the P.R.A.Y. with Passion Conference online through Skype, online conferences, or as a seminar?
Thank you for your donation of any amount today.
I love you.