John 12-21

John 12
Mary anoints Jesus’ feet with costly perfume, Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. God confirms from heaven that His name has been and is glorified.
John 13
Jesus washes the disciples feet, foretells Judas will betray Him, and gives a new commandment to love one another as He loves.
John 14
Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, His peace, and return.
John 15
Jesus says He is the true vine and His Father is the Vinedresser. Believers bear much fruit, experience much joy, and are His friend when we abide in Him and obey His commands.
John 16
Jesus shares final words with His disciples, promises He will send the Holy Spirit to them, tells them they can ask the Father for anything in His name, assures them the Father loves them, and that although they have tribulation in the world, they can take courage, He has overcome the world. They can have peace in Him.
John 17
Jesus prays that He glorify the Father as the Father glorifies Him, and intercedes for His present and future disciples to be one and to be kept from the evil one so the world believe the Father sent Him and loves them.
John 18
Jesus is arrested and stands trial before Annas and before Pilate, who finds Him not guilty; yet release the criminal Barabbas instead of Jesus. Peter denies Jesus three times.
John 19
Jesus is crucified as a substitute for us, His blood atoning for our sins.
John 20
Jesus is bodily raised from the dead and appears to Mary and the disciples, giving peace, the Holy Spirit, and sending them as the Father sent Him.
John 21
Jesus meets His disciples at the Sea of Galilee, miraculously fills their net with 153 large fish, invites them to grilled fish for breakfast, and restores Peter, calling him to follow Him.