365 Days of Praise

Loose My Bonds


Have you ever felt “tied up” spiritually, physically, or emotionally? Like you couldn’t get free and to a place in your life you desired? Or, are you concerned for a loved one who is in physical, emotional, or spiritual bondage? If so, call on the name of the Lord on the basis of Psalm 116:16 which says, 

O Lord, surely I am Your servant, …You have loosed my bonds. 

This verse (and the whole chapter) reminds us that when we call on the name of the Lord, He can do what no one else can do. He has already loosed us from the bonds of death and given us eternal freedom. So why wouldn’t the Lord desire for us to be free from anything that binds us on earth? “Unbind him and let him go,” Jesus directed those who watched Him raise Lazarus from the dead. If there is an area where you’re seeking freedom in your life so you can run the race God has set before you (Ephesians 2:10), then know the Lord is on your side and wants to help you. Read Psalm 116. Notice how many times the psalmist tells us what he did in order to be free. Will you call on the name of the Lord, knowing that His name indicates His full power and provision for you? 

Lord, You are the great and mighty God who LOOSENS BONDS. We praise You for the bonds of death from which You’ve set us free. We call on You now to loosen emotional, spiritual, or physical bonds that hinder us from running the race You’ve set before us. We call on You trusting in Your all powerful name. 

Have you registered for the Jude Bible study that starts on July 10th? If not, there’s still time! Click HERE for more information and to register.

If you’re not local but would still like to complete the study online, free videos and podcasts will be added under “Bible Studies” on the website. You can also purchase a printed copy of the study in the website store


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Dry as A Prune or Plump?


“I’m thirsty!” How many times have we said that? Our bodies need water. But, what about our spirits? According to Jesus, they need spiritual water, Living Water, the Holy Spirit.

Listen to Jesus words. “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” John 7:38-39

In these verses, Jesus tells us an important truth. Just as our body needs water, so does our spirit.

Unhappy? Grumpy? Dry as a prune? If so, you could be spiritually thirsty.

Go to your Heavenly Father. Tell Him, “I thirst. I feel spiritually dry.” Ask Him to refresh you. Open your heart and ask Him to fill you to overflowing with His glorious, refreshing, life-giving Spirit.

Ephesians 5:18 reinforces Jesus’ words with the command that believers be filled continually with the Spirit.

So yes, when your body is dry, reach for a glass of water. When your spirit is dry, reach for the Lord’s filling.

Jesus, thank You for giving us the LIVING WATER of Your Spirit who cleanses and refreshes us so we are filled and energized to serve You. We love You, Lord. 

Click HERE to watch all of Debbie’s teaching on John 7, where Jesus says that whoever believes in Him will have rivers of living water flowing from within them, referring to the Holy Spirit. You can also listen to the podcast teaching by clicking HERE


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Are You Sort of Scared?


Does the news ever shock or alarm you?

It increasingly shocks me. “I can’t believe this is happening in our nation,” I often say to my husband. The disregard for human life, blatant deception, and what sometimes seems irrational decisions is concerning. What can we do in the midst of increasing evil?

We can cover our relationships in prayer. We can take the high road as Christ models. We can pray for our leaders and enemies. We can seek God’s wisdom and trust His sovereign plan.

We can follow Daniel’s example in Daniel 2.

King Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream and demanded it be interpreted or he would kill all the wise men. Daniel learned of the situation, gathered his friends, and prayed. Daniel 2:18 says they asked for, “compassion from the God of heavens” concerning the interpretation of the King’s dream. That night, God revealed the interpretation to Daniel.

Daniel 2:20 records his praise to the LORD. “Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him.” Verse 23 continues, “To You, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for You have given me wisdom and power; even now You have made known to me what we requested of You.”

Do you believe God is powerful and can give you wisdom and power to know what to do in our troubling days? He can.

Heavenly Father, thank You that in the midst of evil days, You are present and POWERFUL to help us as You did Daniel. We look to You for compassion, wisdom, and power. 

Happy Father’s Day! We hope all you fathers, grandfathers, and father figures have a blessed day and know how appreciated you are!

Do you know a father or someone else in your life who needs to hear about God’s indescribable gift of Jesus? Send them this link: “Meet Jesus…Experience His Grace.”


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An Amazing Opportunity


Have you ever wished someone would listen to you? You may have even asked a person with whom you were talking, “Are you listening?”

We don’t have to wonder if God listens to us. Jeremiah 29:12 says that if we pray, He’ll listen. “Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.”

Ponder God’s words. Say them out loud. Take hold of the reality, “When I call on God, go and pray to Him, He listens to me.” Yes, yes, yes! The God of the universe, the God of creation listens to you when you go to Him and pray to Him.

I think there is something we may miss in our multi-tasking culture. When God says, “come and pray to Me” that means we stop what we are doing in order to go to God. It’s the “come to Me” part rather than shoot “arrow” prayers toward God while we are doing something else.

Because God is Spirit, we do not have to leave our home or office to go to a certain place to meet with God. But we do need to be intentional about going to Him and calling on Him.

Do we take advantage of the amazing privilege and opportunity to live beyond ourselves; to live by the Almighty God’s guiding voice? If not, begin today. Go to God. Ask Him to lead you through your day. Ask for His wisdom. Pay attention to His voice in your thoughts.

Heavenly Father, thank You that when we come to You and call on You, that You LISTEN. Help us be mindful of the great privilege it is to come to.

Would you like to develop a deeper prayer life? Get a copy of Debbie’s book, Pray with Purpose, Live with Passion, to learn how.


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Chewed Up and Spit Out


Do you ever feel like you’re eaten up with sin? Or can you look back to a time when you succumbed to temptation and Satan “chewed you up and spit you out”? If so, no doubt you praise Christ for being the victor over the devil who prowls like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8) Yes, Satan is the great pretender. He prowls like a roaring lion but he isn’t a lion. He mimics everything about Christ because he is insanely jealous that Christ is Lord, not him. The true lion? The genuine, real deal lion? Jesus is, as Revelation 5:5 explains.

“Behold, the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals.”

Jesus’ title, Lion of Judah, is traced to Genesis 49:9 when Jacob blessed his son, Judah, and referred to him as a young lion.

Christ is traced to this noble tribe of Israel. Rather than being a “young lion,” however, or a fictional lion king movie character, Christ’s title designates Jesus as the true Lion King, the noblest and most powerful One. As Revelation 5:5 states, Christ has overcome all, even death. He’s our Lion King. Give praise to Him and turn to Him when Satan nips at your heels.

Lord Jesus Christ, LION OF JUDAH, we worship You! Thank You for all You have done to defeat Satan and secure our salvation. Move in us increasingly so we are aware of Your presence and power. 

Would you like to learn more about standing firm and resisting the devil, especially in the times in which we live? Watch Debbie’s teaching on 1 Peter 5 HERE or listen to it HERE. You can also purchase her whole Bible study on 1 Peter HERE


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When Your Head is Hangin’ Low, Try This


Have you ever had your head “hangin” low? Perhaps you were depressed. It seemed everybody or everything was against you. Or, maybe your head was “hangin” low in shame. Or maybe you are at a crossroads and don’t know what to do. The acclaimed King David knew what it was like to have his head hanging low. He penned these words, “You, O Lord, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head.” (Psalm 3:3)

His head had been down, but he knew on whom to focus – the Lord.

If your head is hanging low today, remember that God sees you and cares about you. Whatever you are facing, He is the lifter of your head, just as He was David’s.

Try the following.

1) Turn to Psalm 3 and read it. It is only 8 verses. Read Psalm 1, only 6 verses.

2) Write in your journal a verse that is meaningful to you and a verse that is instructive. Personalize the verses. For instance, I wrote in my journal, “Psalm 1:1a, 2-3b. How blessed is the woman whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law she meditates day and night.” Blessed, not stressed. Blessed, not head hangin low.

What happens when we follow our Father’s instruction and lift our heads and eyes to His glorious Word? We experience hope, peace, grace, and glory in Him. If your head is “hangin” low, lift it to God and His Word.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving us Your Word that LIFTS OUR HEAD. We love and praise You.

In the book of Psalms, King David would often shift his focus from his problems to praising God. We, too, can change our focus to praising the Lord when our head is hanging low. Use this FREE PRINTABLE to discover some of the countless attributes of Jesus to praise Him for. 


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A Good Name to Be Called


Who is your king?

If a foreigner asked us that question, we might reply that in America we have a president, not a king. But is that totally true? If we are a believer, we not only have a president, we also have a king. Isn’t that exciting? Isn’t that the reason for our victory in daily life, the reason our focus and countenance are above earthly circumstances? We have a sovereign King who is ruling our life.

Our King transferred us from Satan’s domain to His glorious Kingdom. Our King sealed us with His Holy Spirit. Our King’s laws are eternal and good. Our King calls us saints, not subjects. “Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of Saints.” Revelation 15:3 NKJ.

Yes, you are a saint of the Lord. I am a saint. But, do we always act like a saint? Is our demeanor that of a saint? Do we display our King’s love, kindness, and grace? Do we show forth His glory and speak His words?

What a glorious title our Lord has given us: saint.

KING OF SAINTS, we love and thank You for changing our title from sinner to saint. We know it is only through the sacrificial blood of Christ that we are given that name. Help us daily live up to the title and calling You have bestowed on us so we bring honor and glory to You and Your kingdom. We love You, our Lord and King. 

Do you know someone who could use some encouragement today? Scroll down and click on “Forward to a Friend” to share this blog post.


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Feeling Spiritually Sluggish?


Do you ever feel sluggish? You know – blah? Can’t quite find your “get up and go” even though there are things you could be, should be doing? Nobody likes that feeling. So what do we do when we don’t feel motivated to pray, work, or get moving? We lift up our souls to God. (Psalm 143:8) We read God’s Word regardless of how we feel and while reading we are encouraged and inspired. God’s thoughts become our thoughts. His passions are our passions. We ask our Heavenly Father to give us the mind and energy of Christ. The King James Version of 1 Corinthians 15:45 contrasts the first man, Adam, with the “last Adam,” Jesus, in this way: “The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a Quickening Spirit.” As a Quickening Spirit, Jesus arouses and invigorates us. Christ-followers are not spiritually dead. We’re alive. Pray and ask God to fill you with His Holy Quickening Spirit. Then pay attention to His promptings in your heart and mind. 

TIP: I daily open my journal so I can record what God quickens me to pray and what He prompts me to do. Having our Bible, pen, and journal in hand shows God we are ready to listen to and follow His promptings. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus who is a QUICKENING SPIRIT! Arouse and invigorate us to do Your will. 

Are you looking for a prayer journal to organize and record your prayers, praises, and promptings from the Lord? Grab a copy of the Prayers of My Heart prayer journal HERE


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Who Is Your Spirit Guide?


When you were a child, did you play “follow the leader”? If so, you probably remember how important it was to do what the leader did. If they placed their hand on their head, you were supposed to place your hand on your head. If they touched their toes, you were supposed to touch your toes. In order to follow, you had to keep your eye on the leader. You had to pay attention to the leader’s words. In Isaiah 48:17 God explains something that is not child’s play. Rather, it’s an incredible offer by our Spirit guide and leader from on high. He says,

“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go.”

Many people seek a human guide, palm reader, or turn to Tarot cards for direction. Yet they are mere human instruments. God freely offers Himself, His Holy Spirit, to lead us. How closely are we listening to Him? How well are we following His lead?

God, You are our LEADER! What a blessing to follow You!

Have you ordered a copy of Debbie’s newly published book, From My Heart, Poems of Faith? Within the pages, Debbie beautifully records her thoughts and prayers through the following sections: “Prayers to the Father,” “Poems of Faith,” and “Poems to Encourage.” As you read through each poem, you’ll find words of hope, comfort, and encouragement that deeply resonate with your heart. Grab a copy HERE


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If You’re Getting Run Over


If you’re a parent or teacher have you ever “laid down the law” to a child and said, “Look left and right before you cross the street”? Why do we say that? Because we don’t want them to get run over by cars. In like manner our Heavenly Father lays down moral and ethical laws so we don’t get run over by the devil and our fleshly carnal nature. If we don’t obey Christ and His teachings, we hurt ourselves and those close to us. Flattened by sin, face in the gravel, groaning in pain (physical or emotional), our eyes are opened to the “why” of God’s commands that we perhaps ignored. Isaiah 33:22 explains why as citizens of God’s kingdom we are to live by His laws.

“For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king; He will save us”—

Our Heavenly King gives us laws to save us from pain, guilt, untimely death, loss, regret, and so much more. In what way might you be running in the streets of sin chasing a ball of self- indulgence, pride, money, resentment, or an unhealthy friendship about which God has warned you to stop? God is our spiritual, physical, mental, financial, emotional, and relational lawgiver. We’re saved from pain and blessed beyond measure when we listen to Him and obey His commands. Are we?

Heavenly Father, we praise You, our LAWGIVER, for Your commands and teachings that protect us from getting run over by sin. 

Join us beginning July 10th for a new study on the book of Jude. Through the study, you’ll learn about the importance of guarding your faith and being mindful of what you are being taught. For more information and to register, click HERE.


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